hate that my boobs hurt so bad

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
So im in my first trimester and my boobs hurt so bad anyone know how to make them hurt less


  • I am right there with u. I can't even let the water from the shower hit them, its unbearable. I d k of anything to make it better but I hope this doesn't last long. :( Good luck to u sweetie, and lemme know if u find a solution
  • I had the same problem but once I got closer to the 2nd trimester it went away. Although now my boobs feel heavier. It sucks cuz I like to be braless at home but I can't now cuz its uncomfortable.
  • Yes. I hate wearing a bra, now I HAVE to wear one. And as far as my man goes, he can forget about getting anywhere near them.
  • Yes. I hate wearing a bra, now I HAVE to wear one. And as far as my man goes, he can forget about getting anywhere near them.
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