seriously does it matter?? NO DRAMA NECESSARY



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  • Good night ladies I sleep very little so I am going to try now. Sleep tight love your babies talk to y'all tomorrow
  • Wow here we go again today please stop being so catty to our fellow preglys!!!!
  • Agree. I stay out of it. Adding my imput to a disccusion that is already ugly is not of any use. It is funny at times though.
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  • edited April 2011
    @richjen24 no one has put drama on this page until now.
    I believe i clearly stated post your opinion and keep it moving there is no need to start threads calling out people directly or situations that point to a particular member.

    However I thank you for your opinion. :">
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  • @richjen24 I agree. Posting stuff about drama just adds and is drama. don't post about drama if you want it to stop.
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  • Soo how's the weather everybody?
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  • No I did not get offended I stated I have no problem with members stating opinions. You clearly stated in your first posted comment that people cannot state opinions without being called rude, etc. That's not the case, its nit what you say its how you say it. While perhaps people that are constantly looking for drama tend to comment in an abundance of topics due to the fact they feel they must have an opinion and are incapable of keeping it to themselves.

    So posting about drama causes drama? Funny how 90% of the above comments were non-confrontational as well as a moderator monitoring this thread.
  • It's sooo cloudy, cold, and rainy here! It sure does put a damper on my mood but I'm glad the rain has washed the pollen off my car! :)
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  • @mommyto1soontob2 hey girlie.

    My point to this whole post was BC I do talk to quite a few ladies on here personally or off the thread and I do understand opinions are NEVER going to be the same and hormones are getting the best of some but when I hear the effects some members harsh opinions have on another already scared or concerned member it hurts my feelings BC I would not want to be the reciever of those comments or that to be one of my daughters. I didn't say I didn't understand where you were coming from or anything of that nature just simply posted to maybe have ALL OF US CONSIDER OUR WORDS AND ACTIONS TOWARD OTHER MEMBERS
  • @singlemomofsoontobe3 what happend to just moving on? Take your own advice. And what your discussion does is fuel drama . It adds to the pile. That it. It doesn't stop it. Your comment doesn't bother me.. you can state your opinions all you want.. but the minute @richjen24 challenged it you called it drama. Her comment didn't cause drama .. your thread just fueled existing drama. When you talk about drama it just keeps it going
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  • Yup thts y I did my post its sickening especially feelin all the negative bull I feel from ppl. I come on n have a bad day from all the negativity here. Ppl need to grow up!!!!!!!!! I mean reality checks and see from all sides n get wiser. I NEVER am rude or mean to b and I feel so bad if someone feels I was. I WISH EVERYONE COULD BORROW MY POWERS
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