So, this is my third pregnancy due nov 13...1st miscarry, 2nd healthy boy now 2 1/2 years old....I have type 2 diabetes...anyone else due in nov with diabetes?
I'm type 2 since 05 thanks to pcos. This is my 2nd pregnancy. My first pregnancy was almost 11 yrs ago & I didn't have diabetes then. I'm due 10/8/2011. My a1c in feb at 6 weeks was 5.7.
I'm diabetic and on insulin since developing gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my now 3 year old daughter. I'm also really nervous since this baby wasn't planned and I still can't get in for my first ob appt until May 4th. I'm 9 weeks and confirmed my pregnancy at the dr 3 weeks ago. What is taking them so long?
Wow....that is a long time! I had so much trouble with my son that they got me in at 5 weeks and referred to high risk specialists and a diabetes center right away...i've already had 3 ultrasounds and another appt next week
I know! I can't believe they're not on the ball. I know how crazy my appts got once I was diagnosed with gestational with my daughter. I was being seen 3 times a week towards the end of my last pregnancy. My biggest fear is FINALLY getting my first ultrasound and hearing bad news.
I am almost 4mos, but I have had type 2 for about a year....well I found out I had it a year ago. Anyways.... I was on metformin, but it was making me soooooo sick the further i progressed in my pregnancy. So 2 weeks ago my endocrinologist put me on insulin and wow... I can eat without getting sick and I feel so much better. I see the high risk ob for ultrasounds and my reg ob for all the other appts
I do 2 different types of insulin. A fast acting one 3x a day after meals and a different one at night. My poor belly looks like a black and blue pin cushion.
@Jamesmom1onway no I take metformi. 3x a day at 500mg each. My a1c is always below 6.0. I sure don't wanna take insulin. I barely even test my sugars. Bad I know. But now I've got. I need to monitor better! For my baby. I heard diabetes can go haywire during pregnancy. Last a1c in feb was 5.7. So Im waiting for my new supplies & new meter in the mail. Ill be getting it in the next 5-7 business days. I test in the am after nightly fasting. It was usually under 120. Before preg. But now I'm kinda scared if its higher then what?? Idk. Baby is measuring exactly how many weeks I am. I'm 16w1d. I go every 2weeks for u/s to check baby.
I'm 10 weeks and test 5 times a day. On long acting insulin at bedtime. Morning fasting while pregnant should be under 90. I used an insulin pump with my last pregnancy. This new ob doesn't like to use them. Right now the one dose and careful diet are working. I know this will change as the placenta grows and starts creating more sugar.