i feel like the only woman on earth having my 6 th.....??

edited April 2011 in September 2011
Seems like people find it crazy to have a big family these days....and their responses to finding out we r expecting can be downright rude...any thoughts.


  • I know a girl with 8 and another with 11 so ur not alone
  • edited April 2011
    My mother has 10 children and my father had 15. Big ol' family! But its filled with love, until that person has not been in your family or felt your love they have no say it in. god bless your family :)
  • Thanx ladies
  • I have 4 about to have my 5 don't feel bad its good
  • Congrats mama, if college wasn't so expensive I would have had a large family too. :)
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  • I would love to have a big family with 5 or 6 kids!! This is my first and I threaten it being my last, I hope I can have the strength to have a large family! I think it takes a strong woman (And usually an amazing man) to be able to have a big happy family! :)
  • I needed this, Thanx for all the positive comments!
  • Im on number 3. Plus a step son. We wznt at least one more after our lil man is born
  • Im only on my fourth and get rude comments all the time. Its like ppl mind your own... Well this is 4 for me n my husband together, but 6 for him he has 2 others
  • @Jamie77I always think about that and try everyday to stress the importance of edu. and good grades. I hope and pray and cross my fingers I can get a couple of them in on Scholarships ;)
    @KerrideeRN I value your input I read a lot about u...ALL the ladies said great things..thanx for commenting, studying to b a R N. Congratulations on your fourth. Every time is different and special.
    @SurpriseBaby Thanx for the kind words and yes my hubby is an Awesome guy..don't worry you forget all the tough parts one u see your precious baby...u will know how much u can handle and if a large fam is for u. Congratulations N good luck.
    @Karla_with__K same thing with us both my older daughters r from a previous marriage...seems like blended families tend to b bigger. Congrats and thnx for your post.
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  • @ Mommy_luvz_her_4 Ikr! Haven't they ever heard the golden rule...If u have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all. Plz ppl just nod and smile...anyway congrats and thanks for your comment.
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate Sounds like u have lovely family...yes it can be challenging but all worth it with so much love and happy times u cant go wrong. Plus there is always someone to help or talk with. Thnx for your imput. Congratulations on your 2nd. R u hoping for a big fam too? GL
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  • Yea nursing takes a devoted and special person. I want to be a nurse too. It's great to have all your family live near u. Big get together are so fun. My family is not so close but I have a friend who does and her family get together r the best. Plus she has a huge support system for help anytime. My mom is coming to stay with us when she retires next yr so that will be good.
  • Im on my 6th as well, and I get the comments and crazy looks and my reply is " until you have to help me support these kids, it looks like you don't have a right to judge then, do you?" Usually shuts em up...
  • Aww I know the feeling....I wish I had the guts to speak out like that..I'm always thinking ...." u r not supporting this fam. We r paying our bills and taking care of our responsibilities, not u so why r u so rude ? Congratulations and Blessings to u and yours we r in the same boat.
  • We didn't tell my husbands family or my family that I was pregnant until I was 4and half months cause we didn't want to hear how it was stupid that we were having our 5th and that's to many children to take care of. My thought was I pay for them. I raise them. I provide for them. I don't care what they had to say. I wanted more but I got fixed due to health problems :(
  • I no exactally how u feel I am due sept 24 2011 with my 8th... And even tho we take care of our children with no help from anyone...and we wanted our big family ppl still have there rude comments.i will b 18 weeks tomorrow (yay) I have still not told half of my family because of what they might say... I do want to say I love having a big family I have always wanted a big family.
  • Please give me done of your baby dust! I just want 1 now!
  • sorry should say some of your baby dust! Damn swype!
  • P.s. To the rude comments. I think all the power to you! If you can afford them on your own why not! Its different when ppl keep having kids and have the county pay for them, thats when the negativity starts!
  • I'm having #6... : ).....and surprisingly get a lot of positive comments to my face.....but I know they are thinking...they must be nuts...lol oh well.
  • We did the same. @ this point we just wanted to enjoy knowing that its our growing family, our blessing and that we r not having a baby for their happiness. Yet as soon as we told them they said my hubby was stupid. I'm sure they thought the same of me....it was devastating..but we knew it was coming. :) It's crazy bcuz now when they say something pos. I feel myself struggling to believe them. I need a good exercise in forgiveness and understanding...Lol Congratulations and Yayy for big families.
  • I think it's awesome you have such a big family! I think kids do well in bigger fams, they learn how to be less selfish and more part of a team =) Congrats on your 6th!
  • Awe so happy to hear big families still exist. I wanna have round 5 kids like my grandparents. I'm close with all my aunts and uncles n cousins. Plus see my grandparents all the time. I want that for my kids :) bless you and congrats
  • One of my coworkers has 7. He says he wants one more. His wife is a stay at home mom and breast feed all of them. Their youngest is 7 months. I would have more if I lived closer to family. Military life makes it difficult with all the moves. I lived in Turkey when I had my daughter and it was during the war so as you can imagine none of my family was willing to travel to a Muslim country. I say if you can afford it, the more the merrier.
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