i feel like the only woman on earth having my 6 th.....??



  • PP@Mommyof8 Omg! Im due the very same day. We have to KIT to see if we actually deliver the same day I think I might be a day or two behind u. I don't understand ppl today. They have.
  • No tact or don't feel the need to be polite. I would never behave that way. I'm Christian and believe in be fruitful and multiply if u can handle it...Lol Congrats on your pregnancy, thanx for your input.
  • I think now that im 39 and having my 5th ...im to the point that im probably going to start telling people to fuck off if they say something rude. Its not any more their business if im gonna have more or if im gonna get fixed, than it is my business how big their penis is or if their vagina is asymetrical or not. Reproductive information is not public information! WTF!?!
  • I'm the youngest of 9 and my older sister herself has 9. I have 7 names so I want 7 kids. :) I LOVE being a part of a big family and want the same for my kids. Hopefully God's on board with that plan. :-D
  • @BabyLuv8 I'll be sending u baby dust from head to toe. I have complete faith that you will have your bundle of joy when the time is right. Thanks for your post. GL u r in my prayers.
  • @Suezq2011 Congratulations on your 6th. I know u r excited. I am too. Lol let think what they want....its our life and we know what we want and can handle. Can't say its not nutty from time to time but completely worth it.
  • I had a bf in college who was one of 7 and it was always so much fun to hang out with that big family! I'm one of 4 and I never felt like that was a lot but it seems like a bunch of people now think more than 2 is crazy. But kids love having lots of siblings! I would've been so bored with any less! I've got #2 cooking right now and will probably only have one more, but I would've had 5 if I'd started younger or could afford it lol.
  • I tend to say rude things back like..."well its a good thing I haven't planned my life according to what makes you happy", Or"WOW! THAT WAS SO RUDE" or. " DID YOU JUST SAY THAT! " and then I just walk away. Another good one is just to repeat the rude part of what they said 3 or 4 times in a row like you're thinking about it."Are you going to get fixed after this one?fixed? Fixed?fixed?"should I go to the vet for that one?
  • @Suezq2011 Congratulations on your 6th. I know u r excited. I am too. Lol let think what they want....its our life and we know what we want and can handle. Can't say its not nutty from time to time but completely worth it.
  • @HappyWifeyMommy I totally agree! I was not from a big family and I can't tell my kids have a better understanding of love and what it means to be a family...they seem happier having so many meaningful people to share their life with. Thanks for the kind words.
  • I would have a big family if health and finances allowed. This is my 3rd and everyone is telling me to tie my tubes but when I think about it I'm not married what if one day I find that perfect man and can't give him kids. However my financial situation is scary
  • We are expecting baby #7 in three weeks.
    I've heard it all... Don't you know what causes that, are they ALL yours, how do you feed them all etc. Congrats on your 6 th! All those people who comment ( including family) just don't realize what a blessing they all are and yes there are tough times but the great times more than make up for those : )
  • @Seifer12211 My grandparents had five too I thought they were great parents, and loved being around them. If they could do it back then I think we have a good chance @ raising a healthy happy family of 6. Having your whole family living close around u is such a blessing so Congrats and enjoy the journey.
  • Good for you mama and congrats! We are on our 4th and get rude comments also. "Don't you know what causes that" or "I hope you're done now" gets me mad
  • @Carley I love that..." the more the merrier." I know what u mean about family life in the military. I had to get out when I learned my husband and I were expecting. I knew I would need more time to raise all the kids than the military would allow. The thought of being sent to war torn countries @ anytime didnt sit well either. I had my first in Germany so I know what it is like to be unable to see your loved ones. Best wishes to u and yours thnx for your post.
  • Oh rhondala71 u had me rolling on the floor laughing w/ your posts. U got the right idea....make them feel like the moron for saying what they did. And yes I will be stealing that if u don't mind :P Congrats and good luck.
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