do they do blood work during labor

edited April 2011 in Giving birth
I was wondering cause I just want to make sure I'm completely okay


  • I don't think I ever had anything done. With my first I had an u/s because the wanted to make sure baby fits. But that was overseas.
  • How are u feelin today? @proudmama
  • @Karla_with_a_k I'm feeling okay just lots of stabbing pain
  • My sister just had a baby and they drew blood as soon as she was put in a l&d room. I can't remember if they did bloodwork on me with my son.
  • I didn't have any blood work done
  • They did bloodwork when i was admitted and then after baby was born.
  • I had blood work done shortly after arriving at the hospital.
  • I had bloodwork done about 5 hours after delivering my daughter, but nothing before.
  • Sometimes they du once they admit yu for delivery
  • Okay I just want to make sure everything is working properly so I can avoid complications
  • I just gave birth 3 days ago, they drew blood as soon as they stuck my I.V. in.
  • Think they draw a type and match on your blood type. Just in case something goes wrong and you need blood. My water broke yesterday and they drew one on me but I would have to have c section. Idk about vag birth. Also did a strep b. Swab. They may have already done that in office tho.
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  • @richjen24 its only a small tear somewhere at the top. Leaks a little on and off. Fluid level was good yesterday on ultrasound. Got me on antibiotics for precautions. Im just praying it does start gushing out. Baby is fine. Doc said she has plenty of fluid to squirm around in right now. We hoping it tear closes up on its own. Still leaked today tho. The amnio swab was still positive.
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  • Right when I got there they drew blood. And then they drew more a day later.
  • Wow y'all r lucky! Both times c cection had blood. Drawn every 3-5hours I was woke up a ton I learned to fall asleep after I gave an okay lol
  • The people i have seen go into labor they did
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