Ladiess am I going crazy?

edited April 2011 in Getting pregnant
So we have been trying to conceive for a little while. My last AF was Feb 4th 2011. So as of today its late 49 days. I took tests and blood tests all negative. I only bled for one day on April 2nd 2011. Not even enough to fill a panty liner. I have not been stressing or worried or anything. I go use the washroom [tmi] and wipe to see brown blood. Could I be pregnant still? If I were to be pregnant I would be 11 weeks today. Doctor said wait til May to see if I miss my period. (That will be my 3rd missed period) Ahh, I just wanna know whats going on :(


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  • sorry to ask, but how old r u?
  • edited April 2011
    Yes, every 28 days. Its crazy, im a small figure girl and barely eat and I can see weight gain around my lower belly.
  • I thought that mabey u were menapusing because I have a friend who is going through it now and she is only 30, bit in your case it could definately be pregnancy, some women have their period long into the pregnancy, so they dont know until 3,4 months. Keep your fingers crossed it sounds promising
  • Thank you but at the same time its scary, I dont drink or smoke but I do hang out once in a while. If I am id like to know so I wouldnt do anything to harm the baby you know?
  • Its too bad your dr won't do an ultrasound. That would answer the question and rule out a hysterical pregnancy or something.
  • @Laura536 Exactly! But she will do one in a May if still no AF.
  • Just take prenatal vitamins you can buy them at the store just in case and wait nothing more you can do good luck and congrats if u r
  • @Mz_Mommie I will, I think walgreens and walmart sell them. Thank you.
  • I think you need a new doc. Cause there is something going on and if I was to have issues like that, my doc would have done an ultrasound. Not to scare you but it could be tubal and not picking up the hormone for the tests. I wish you luck, love and baby dust!!!
  • PCOS (policistic ovary syndrome) can cause missed periods and pregnancy symptoms in some cases, perhaps u could have a talk with your doctor and suggest that see what he/she thinks
  • @countrymommaof2stb3 thats what I was thinking! 3months with no period all she did was blood test, std, and hiv test all negative. I hope everything is okay :(

    @mums_the_word I was reading up on that, I just want to know whats going on.

    I have to start looking for a new doctor, asap!
  • I had not had a period between nov. 29 and March 24 and was having all kinds of prego symptoms... some even that others noticed (like cravings, sensitive to smells, running to the bathroom a lot) and I was convinced I was pregnant. Come to find out it was polycystic ovarian syndrome, that disease can really make you think yur prego when you are really not even ovulating at all. I would suggest it to your doc, if they blow it off I would look for a new doctor. I was told it was all in my head by 4 different doctors until I finally got my diagnosis. Good luck hun!
  • edited June 2011
    If u go to health depo they can usually tell you... cause their tests are more accurate ..cause I took two preg tests both said no(the first response ones-that are supposed to be good) then went to the health depo &they confirmed I was preg :) maybe they can help? :/ sorry I can't be of more assistance.
  • hmm maybe go in and get a blood test for pregnancy?
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