Anyone Wanna be texting buddies so we can keep each other company?



  • Im Jewelleen 22 from mass due september 4 if anyone wants to text send me a private message and ill reply back with my number B-)
  • I'm 17 weeks prego my first baby I'm 19 years old from Texas n currently finishing up this semester of college. Text me any one I have sprint unlimited 830 422 4190 :)
  • I would love to have a buddy who I can relate with no one in my circle is prego right now...Having my sixth and last so I want to cherish it and make it perfect. Names Carrie, live in Baton Rouge, La and due 24 Sept. text @2259101263.
  • Im due with my fourth on halloween I'm 25 I'll be 26 august 8. I live in south carolina if u would like to text let me know then we can swap numbers
  • @new_mommy9_21 I'm from a small town called Fayette
  • I love this it may have its lil haters here n there but none the less has beautiful kind hearted people that we can all relate to in some way wish u mommies n soon to be mommies the best n jus knw dat ur neva alone much love to u all
  • @prayin4agurl
    right. I'm in Vicksburg! (:
  • Im 19 too 20 in august
  • @mmomma1013 sooo not fair!! I'm due Oct.11th and I won't find out till the end of May :( lol
  • @sammiegee87 I'm cheating and going to 3d/4d place. Hubby goes away for 4 weeks and I wanted to know before he leaves! My sils friend owns the place so its only $30. My Dr was like do it I wouldn't pass up that deal.
  • @mmomma1013 that's awesome!!! I seriously can't wait to find out!! Do you have any names picked out yet? Or a preference on the sex?
  • @sammiegee87 I think its a boy and hubby thinks girl. Well be happy either way! I only have a girls name McKenzy Anne.
  • edited April 2011
    Hello everyone I would like to be someones texting buddy. I'm 28 & pregnant with my 5th baby. I have 3 boys & a girl, I'm expecting a girl again thank God. I am a stay at home mom & don't have many friends not even family. If you would like to text I have unlimited text.
  • Hi I just turned 24 last week, from kansas I have a 17mth old girl and another girl due july 30..msg me if ud like to txt
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I could always use a text buddy. I'm 22, pregnant with my 3rd, due November 16. Message me =]
  • @pink413 I have a 18mth boy n due july 30 wit another lol j/s
  • I'm sure this is being paranoid, but you don't have to be a member of this site to see any of the posts, so I would be careful about posting your number or facebook as anyone can view them, not to be a downer debbie lol :) maybe just private message them?
  • I need one also even though all of my friends are pg i still wouldn't mind new ones!!!
  • @new_mommy9_21 your close by den. Do u kno where Fayette is?
  • Im almost 21. Son will be 3 in Sept and due wurh a girl then too.. Unlimited texting through t-mobile. Pm me if anyone wants to chat :)
  • I love texting ladies!! I am 20 yrs old and have a 5 yr old daughter, 3 yr old daughter, a 2 yr old son and I am pregnant with a little girl! I am due August 20th and I am from michigan!! If anyone would like to text just message me!!
  • Anyone can add me on Facebook :) just let me know ur from pregly! ;)
  • I'm 23... 38 weeks with my first btw!
  • Am 21yrs old am 26 wks with a lil baby boy on the way by the way my 1st one .. Message me if u wanna talk....
  • @praying4agurl
    yup! & been there once when I was younger.
  • @sammiegee87 Its a little boy like I was hoping for!!
  • @mmomma1013 yay!!! Congrats!! :)
  • I'm 21. due sept. 14.from nc. Txt buddies frum anywhere is fine.
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