lost my mucus plug

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
36 weeks today!!


  • i wanna loose my mucus plug too! how u do it!!! i am 36 weeks too!!!! lol help?
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  • After I lost it with my first born, I went into labor a week later
  • Lol it totally is gross. But I lost it at work! And I was too embarissed to say anything ( and I work with all girls ) but still lol.

    I texted my mom & my best friend & my fiance - who didn't know what it was lol and what it ment!.

    I didn't do anything to loose it, I don't think. I'm so anxiose now because I could go into labor legit, any day now. I can't wait! I still have 3 weeks and 6 days left!!

    I plan on walking a lot && I made my fiance make somethin spicy for dinner (it really wasn't spicy enough!). Fingers crossed!!
  • Congrats hun! It doesn't mean labor is coming though, sorry :( I lost mine with my first at 34 weeks, and I had to be induced at 41 weeks. It could mean baby could come any day now, or could wait weeks, because the mucus plug can regenerate itself. It doesn't always, but it can. Congrats though sweetie, no matter what you are close :)
  • Yeah, that's the downfall. Where-as if ur water breaks, your deff having that baby soon. I feel like the "mucus plug" is just a tease :( well on the plus side, I only have a few more weeks left(:
  • I agree, its a teaser!!! Im hoping its sooner than later for you though hun! :)
  • Me too. I'm hopeing if he does come earily, ill be 37 weeks, fullterm.
  • i lost my mucus plug yesterday im 38 weeks and 4 days today. i went walkin wednesday and thursday morning i went to the dr and she said i had lost my plug. i just went walkin today as well,woulda gone yesterday too but had to help my moms dog give birth to 3 boys and 2 girl puppies. :) hopefully itll be my turn this weekend :) i cant take much longer. Good luck to everybody thats close.
  • i lost my mucus plug yesterday im 38 weeks and 4 days today. i went walkin wednesday and thursday morning i went to the dr and she said i had lost my plug. i just went walkin today as well,woulda gone yesterday too but had to help my moms dog give birth to 3 boys and 2 girl puppies. :) hopefully itll be my turn this weekend :) i cant take much longer. Good luck to everybody thats close.
  • how do you know if you lost mucus plug or just alot of discharge?
  • It looks like a jellyfish with red in it. I just happen to look in the toilet when I lost mine. So weird!
  • I lost mine at 34weeks now 36 over it aye lol
  • I don't think I lost the whole thing, cuz from what I read, when you wipe there should be brown stuff? N I didn't. But I'm not sure..
  • I'm 38+5 and no plug lose yet... :( Dang it all the heck!! Well Congrats to all that have. Kinda strange congratulating something like that...lol!! Hugs xxx everyone :)
  • I'm 38 weeks and 4days and I don't think I've lost it yet either:(.. this is my first...so everything is new to me:)... I want her out already
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  • Congrats.. Im 38wks 6days n I've not lost mines yet =( , I just cant wait
  • Really? Is it first time moms usually?
  • I lost mine this morning. Now im bleeding and contracting. About to start timing!
  • Lost mine tue and iam 38weeks and 3 days iam so ready
  • I never even lost mine when i was preg with my daughter. They scraped my cervix and I guess scraped that out too.
  • [-( I guess I just have to keep waiting
  • With the first one I lost mine one day before labor
  • With my first one I lost it in the worst way!!! I was sitting in the tub when my mucus plug came floating to the top! My first instinct was to get it out of the water, so i scooped it up with my hand and then sat there screaming for my hubby to come get it out of my hand!!! Very memorable!!
  • Aww that's icky lol. But atleast u knew exactly what it was & didn't miss it.
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