discomfort/ cramp like pains.. Please Help

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I will be 5 wks tomorrow and for the last week I have had discomfort turning into lite cramps. I called my doctor twice last week I was told not to worry.. if I'm not bleeding, I'm I okay?


  • Could just be ligmit pain ... Ur body is adjusting to u being pregnant and stretching ... if it gets really bad or u start bleeding don't bother ringing doc go straight AE In the mean time drink lots of water an rest
  • I've had the same so the doc took bloods on Friday to check hormones, get results tomorrow but then need another test tomorrow to check there going up. Quite scary but I think all is ok. X good luck x
  • I am 7wks and a get cramping like period cramps too and have since we first found out at 4wks. My Dtr says its ur uterus growing...starts off as small as a fist and now for me its a grapefruit! Everything is just stretching and growing to accomodate the baby who is growing rapidly and as long as there is no blood u are okay....hope this helps!
  • Thank you it does
  • I get cramps too kinda like if I was on period but very very soft and they don't last that much
  • Mine are really painful and have had them since I missed my first period. My mum says its normal but it hurts so much it makes me cry n backache aswell I only 8 weeks got first mw app on tues x
  • Ive had bad period like cramps and bachache for about 2weeks now, only found out yday i was 5weeks! Its normal apparently, just the uterus stretching x
  • Thank you everyone
  • When I was that early in pregnancy I. Got cramps like that , its your body adjusting to not having a period . Later when you feel those cramps they could mean a number of other changes . :) but you should be fine if you are not spotting or bleeding . How are you now ? Still cramping ?
  • They come and go, nothing pain full. I also have not had period pains in almost 4 years, I had an iud put in after my daughter was born so these pains are new to me again. Just waiting to call the nurse again tomorrow and see I'd my doctor will see me soon.
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