really depressed an need some positive feedback

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm 21 weeks pregnant today an I am having by far the worst pregnancy I think anyone could have. I find out I was pregnant the week of new years eve an I was extremely happy an couldn't believe it cause my dr told me it would be hard to get pregnant. So a week later I was at work an started gushing blood but had no pain but still was very scared so my fiance rushed me to the hospital, well it turned out we were having twins an lost one. It was the most heartbreak I have ever known. So everybody started convincing me that it was for the best if something was wrong an I should be thankful that one survived so I tryed to start thinking positive but thing just got worse an worse. I was gettin extremely sick everyday an had absolutly no appetite an everyone including dr kept saying it would end now I've lost 33 lbs an am still throwing up everyday now I also have carpeltunnel? In my left wrist an my hands an feet r swollen so bad it hurts I can't even go back to work til my doc says so. I keep trying to tell myself it will all be worth it in september, but I can't help but think I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy ughhh I just wish there was something someone could do to help me everyone keeps telling me I'm just complaining but how could anyone live like this :( just ventingg


  • I know its a blessing an I tell myself that eveytime I feel him kick or move but it just gets harder when u have no one to talk to who truly understands how u feel
  • Thanks I'm going to bed now but maybe tomorrow but I feel better to know that someone cares
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