something new

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
the wife and i wre sexually active until we found out we were expecting. her sex drive is just gone. well i have tried and tried to make love to her, and yes she does give in at times but i just can tell she is not into it. so i have decided not to try anymore and try to keep our love strong by doing other thigns liek watching movies and just talking. .... i do hope this makes her happy.......that is all i am concerned about .....


  • Alot times the drive goes byby..yes make her happy!!
  • for a while i have been honestly thinking it was me.....but i truly don't think it's me anymore
  • Well maybe it is!! Haha you see ut a lot on this forum ..women talking about losing sex drive..and it coming back around the 2nd trimester
  • well we are just beginning our 14th week so it may come back soon
  • Mine goes completely during pregnancy due to hormones and pain its not your fault its brilliant that you have decided to do other things to keep the closeness she is very lucky.
  • WELL TAMMY.....i have been trying to do it a lot lately and she does give in somtimes......but it just isn't the same and i want our happiness to continue so i am going to try other things.....any suggestions??????
  • @westnbaby the women will loose her sex drive and sex won't be that great rember she's experiencing a lot of changes but once she has the baby u will c she will feel great and. Give u some great love makin I recently had a son and my husband and I are so happy that I have my drive back we r closer than ever
  • I LOVE HER SO MUCH........and i don't want this to come between i am going to start other things....what did you and him to instead of sex
  • I'm lucky the sex drive has not gone away but it does happen a lot, but its good you willing to do other things. Just spend as much time as possible together, watching movies, go shopping for baby stuff. And do things not expecting sex and maybe you will get lucky, like rub her back and feet. Oh and you could do things around the house, wash dishes, clean the bathroom, and take out the trash with out her asking, Yes cleaning turns us on, not only does it seem like you care it gives her time to relax and maybe get in the mood. But don't give up you seem like a good man and daddy for even caring
  • Talk aloott we actually got real close. He even listened to my talk about discharge eww lol I know. We talked about the baby wat we want in the future what kind of parenting skills we want.. we played call oof duty..I read books we went out to watch action movies. We spent time cooking together..and if u do wanna try sex with her wait a while dnt ask her too much n when u do like fourplay. A lot it might get her in the mood. But if it doesn't just dnt insist
  • I have had zero sex drive this entire time (I'm now 33 weeks) I feel so bad for my bf cause he loves being physically close. He now gives me killer massages, so I feel better and he can touch me without smacking his hand away. Lol
  • thanks guys.......i am going to try...... she tells me i am still attrached to you and how much she loves me and we do still kiss and cuddle it is just no sex right now
  • try giving her oral it can help get her in the mood or a vibrator its easier to get into it once u start goodluck
  • thaks guys....honestly at first i was concerned but now i am jsut focused on keeping my wife happy
  • You sound like a great man, and she is lucky to have you...:)
  • (@jenzoe1 I agree) other to her obvioously yur doing a good job. Keep her happy. She knows yu love her right? If not, let her kno....even more. Since we got prego for the 2nd time my BD is crazy for love. Me, not so much. When I was preg. W/our first bby, we would "love" each other very much. But now, it grosses me out. I feel bad cuz he might think I don't love him no more...but I tell him I do andy why I don't feel like it. And yea, she is lucky to have yu. Sometimes...I wish my hubs would understand. Yur doing a good job! There are other ways to show love. ...when the bby come...after the bby comes she might need more love...haha
  • now that would be yes i know she knows that i love her but from a guys stand point you can't help but wonder
  • I'm happy your trying to make her happy. Good man. My husband just humps me 'playfully' until I get so pissed I cry. Lol. Hey it makes him stop.
  • thanks i will keep trying
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