23 weeks now and every once ina while I get stinging in my stomach, anyone else???

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hi, Im due June 8th not had too many problems as of yet, but recently I have been experiencing sharp stinging pains, not cramping, feels more like stretching but too far... Idk has anyone else experienced this?


  • Me!! I'm 16wks and feel it sometimes. Idk what it is but ouch! I feel your pain! I
  • Im also due on June 8th n ive been havn da exact same pains n it last 4r bout 30 seconds n then goes away. Ig it iz due 2 stretchn unless iz jus braxton hicks contractions.
  • It's normal, it's just the stretching n growing
  • Due june 10th and I get them all the time doc said it was normal but I don't really trust him
  • I get them too im due june 13th. I havent asked my doc bout them yet tho bur since were all havin then im sure there normal!
  • Thanks so much for all your answers I feel a little better now
  • I'm due june 14th and I just read today that they are normal as long as they aren't consistant or come with bleeding :)
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