baby brain is killing me

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I nearly put the windex in the fridge and the Lysol room spray in the freezer. Had my husband not been home I may have actually left it in the freezer X_X


  • ahhh i put milk in the cabinet after making cereal... :-??
  • Hope you noticed soon after!!! That would have been an awful smell
  • When I left the dr office on Friday. I walked out got in my car on the passager side and then realized what I had did I was by myself.
  • lol luckily i did figure it out
    @babyszydmom i lost my car in the parking lot the other lie took me about 5 mins (which is a long time to walk around a parking lot lost) finally i got close enough an hit my panic button lol
  • i work at a financial, and work with lots of ppl during the day and ive had times when someone was at my window and i literally forgot that i was helping them.... im like wait, what did you want again?? lol
  • @babyszydmom lmao!! I hope you laughed at that one.
  • I agree. I feel like crap about the stuff I forget, like for some reason I keep forgetting cups of milk I pour for a day and then I have to clean it which makes me puke :( you'd think id remember but no...

    When I was working I would forgett to make peoples orders and such and was like oh crap.. baby brain stikes again...
  • I swear my bf has baby brain..he put a bag of doritos in the freezer lol...

    I'm more clumsy though :"( I take care of developmentally disabled adults and I made a client dinner and as I was walking with it, I dropped the whole plate..I had to re make him dinner and he was very upset that his plate was broken
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