First Trimester Mommy's



  • Im 8 weeks 3 days. Due August 23 with my 3rd. :">
  • Hej ladies, I'm Caitlin.. I'm from holland and I'm 6 weeks pregnant after going through a lot of medication and hospital visits. My boyfriend and I are overjoyed and anxious for our first ultrasound on jan. 28! Good luck to everyone!
  • I agree with blessednproud, no miscarriage talk on here. For I know how that feels since I lost my first pregnancy like that in 2007. I was blessed for a second chance. I'm one day away from being 6 weeks and I couldn't be more delighted. I'm truly blessed and so are all of you... Amen!!!
  • This is my third and due early Sept, will exact due date w/ ultrasound. No sore boobs this time, just super tired! Good thing it is winter and not much to do but sleep! Can't wait to hear heartbeat, makes it feel so real then.
  • I am in my 9th week..I feel soooo tired..I always want to nap.boobs are still super sore. And I still get nauseous from time to time. I am always hungry especially in the morning. I can't wait until my next appt for complete bloodwork again to make sure everything is healthy. Can't blieve I'm almost in my 2nd trimester.
  • edited January 2011
    I am in my ninth week and can't wait for the first dr apt this wed morning. My husband and I tried for several years so this whole experience so far has just been a huge blessing. I've been sleeping a lot, even with the 5 night trips to the bathroom, wearing a non constrictive sport bra and having a body pillow have been big musts. This last week brought some back pain and even more swelling and tenderness to my poor "balloon" breasts. Thankfully very little nauseous just the absolute need to eat when I get to a meal time. Looking forward to the journey and hope you all have healthy little ones :)
  • I'm 9 wks & 4 days I am due aug 17. It seems like it gets a little easier day to day ladies. I still have sore boobs but I'm getting use to them now. I don't get as nauseated now as I did only from time to time. I am starving in the morning, but the fatigue isn't as bad, right on my way to my second trimester wow it goes fast! I guess the only bad thing I'm dealing with is everything my boyfriend says & does irritates me, I can't help it I feel better when left alone. So I hope my emotions get better as time goes on.
  • Hey everyone! I'm 7 wks n 2 days with my first. Omg I think this has to b the most nerve racking thing ever!!! The only thing I'm sick of is the supper sore boobs! Haven't had ne sickness so far!!
  • hey mammas and mammas to be... im 10 wks due on aug 9 with my first and just had my first u/s yesterday... me and my bf are sooo happy... we framed our first pictures and videotaped the heart beat... it was amazing... good luck ladies and dont worry if youre not getting sick i havent gotten sick yet nor have i been overly moody... but one thing is certain i crave lemons like mad...
  • Hey, im 4 weeks 6 days! Me & my fiance are super excited, we have been trying and decided since we werent pregnant we were going to stop trying until after the wedding which was set for August 13 2011...until the other day when i found out were finally havin a baby! As soon as baby wasnt on our mind it happened! We are so greatful and do not have any issues moving the wedding date! :)
  • When should u start sleepin on ur side?
  • Hi all! Ok today has been a good day 4 me so far. No feelings of nausea yet bt tha day isn't over yet. LOL :"> Hi to all the new mommy's that have joined. Congrats ok so has anyone else been mood towards their bf or husband? Last night i started cry because he didn't cook my spagetti right
  • And is anybody's bf or husband experiencing pregancy syptoms along with u? Because my fiance is he is tha one that told me i was pregant!
  • My husband has symptoms too! Its so funny. Hi all, I'm due Aug 22nd. This is my second, I have a 4 yr old son. I have been so nauseous and tired. Its hard to get anything done. Inbetween those moments I'm extremely hungry. The boob soreness has gotten better. We are all so excited, I will be much happier once the sickness and exhaustion has passed. A suggestion to you all, read The Girlfriends Guide To Pregnancy, its so funny and dead on. A nice break from reading what to expect lol. Good luck everyone :-)
  • Hello every1 I'm whitney from ny 21 I just found out I'm pregnant like 3 days ago I don't feel different juss sore boobs. I want to congratulated all mommies and mommies to be <3
  • @ ashhep & mommy2be1989 Welcome and Cograts! @ashhep ikr it is funni bt thn i be like i an so sorri! LOL
  • 6 weeks with my third. Big surprise really close to my second who just turned one. Im super nervous and very emotional.

  • hi im 5 days away from myy 21st bday & ii juss found out im pregnant!! myy due date is Aug 22 im SOOO excited
  • Hii da 1st trimester is always da due date is sept 20 im 5 weeks
  • Hey ladies, 5 wks 2 days due Sept 15th...:) got prego 2 months after mc... first apt on Jan 31st!!! Congrats all mommy to be's....:D
  • 6 weeks 6 days pregnant my due date is Sept 4th. So excited this is my frist. :D
  • This is my first and I'm 9 weeks I think. I'm 18 and super excited/nervous. :)
  • Hi, ladies! I'm almost done with my first trimester- 11 weeks 5 days- but don't quite fit into the 2nd/3rd trimester discussion yet... love all the positive thoughts on here! This is my 2nd pregnancy & it is just as exciting and miraculous as the first... I'm due Aug. 1st and besides terrible all-day sickness I'm as happy as can be! Good luck ladies! Keep up the positive attitudes!!! <3 <3 <3
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