Rib pains I've noticed is always normal. I'm on my 4th pregnancy and i've always noticed pains in my ribs and even when I breathe. Your body is adjusting to your baby and its growth. And ur baby is always in your ribs. So when you breathe your ribs always move and ur baby is brusing u inside as well as your hole inside adjusting and moving to make room. My last pregnancy was always in tears and in pain from my ribs. It hurt to walk, breathe, sit, and after birth it took me 3 to 6 months to go back to normal. It seems so hard and it is but at the end you get the gift of life. hope this helped any. I'm still waiting for this pain to come now i'm 17 wks prego...not looking forward to it but gift after makes it all worth it. Hang im there.
I'm 30 weeks and just recently started noticing a really uncomfortable feeling in my ribs. After a while I realized its my sons foot in my ribs. I can even feel his foot get stuck between two of my ribs. Very very uncomfortable. I just get up and move around bend in the opposite way trying to get him to move. Like said above you get your lil one so its gonna be worth it.
I'm 32 weeks and the past few weeks I have been feeling pain in my ribs also! My mother told me she felt it also when she was pregnant with my brother. I think its normal just the baby is getting bigger and running out of room.