Laryngomalacia birth defect

edited April 2011 in Babies
My 2 month old son was just diagnosed with laryngomalacia. It's really worrying me that he is having such a hard time breathing and eating. Are there any other mom's while have dealt with or are currently dealing with this?


  • I'm sorry mama, your baby has this condition. Does your doctor suggest surgery or waiting to see how it progresses?
  • @Jaime77 So far they have him on an monitor that alarms if he stops breathing or if his heartrate gets too low or too high, acid reflux med, nebulizer twice a day, and making his formula so it has 24 calories per oz instead of 20cal./oz. I am bf too but been supplementing since he was 2 weeks old. He def spitsup less from breast. His weight gain has been paltry and hard fought. The doctors said if he doesn't gain 8oz. per week for the next month they will want to do surgery.
  • I dont know about this so sorry if i sound if he gains weight he will be fine and have no more problems?
  • Sorry to hear bout your baby I will be posting for you both
  • How old is.bby and was he a premie?
    Praying for a speedy recovery! He.will be ok, technology today is Amazing!!
  • That's a rough start for you and your son, such a lil guy he has to deal with soo much.As do u! I hope he gains steady hun.
  • kritten_octoberbby From what i understand of larygomalacia weight gain would make it a mild case instead of our current moderate, but if he needs a feeding tube or surgery then it would be severe case.
  • Ok i see.. i hope it doesnt have to get to that point.. could he grow out of it as he gets older or is this a life defect?
  • Thank you @zexy4da011 I'm thinking you meant praying not posting :)

    Thank you for the well wishes @Jamie77

    @betty Thank you for praying for my little man. He is 2 months old. He was born about a month early by c-section due to toxemia/preclampsia.
  • @kritten_octoberbby The doctors did say this is something that babies usually grow out of by the age of 2 as their bodies grow bigger. So as much as i want to enjoy it while he's little...i can't wait for him to grow up (& gain weight) It's just kinda scary when the doctors say stuff like failure to thrive and send you to infant CPR class.
  • It really is something babies usually grow out of. The hard part is if his swallowing is so affected that he's aspirating part of his feeds. Also, the harder he works to eat, the more calories he buyou, which means poor weight gain. Sounds like the docs are doing all the right things so far. Hopefully your little man gains weight with higher cal food. :) fingers crossed for you.
  • @Finallyaboy yeah thats what I meant sorry. Has anything changed?
  • Do they have him on enfamil or isomil? I know that's what they usually give babies thats struggling after birth. My son was on it til bout 6,7 mths he weighed 4,14ozs. Plus he wouldn't urine he kept holding it for some reason
  • My daughter was diagnosed with thisas well. She had a hardtime gaining weight cause of the calorie expenditure mainl going to breathing. Its not so bad. It was terrifying hearing her breath like that and I would constantly get stares out in public cause of how loud it was. Almost like snoring out of the mouth but scary sounding. She was in 3 percentile of her weight forever! Even though she ate as often as most babies her age. She is now 3 and a half. I occasionally hear it if she is super tired or gets excited but not often at all. It hasn't held her back in any way. She is so intelligent and she was advanced (walking the day sh turned 9 months old etc..) it was really the eight gain and evn if they r in low percentile as long as he is gaining consitently its not too bad. Good luck
  • She was born at 6pds 3 oz and at her 2 month she was 6 pounds. So she weighed less then birth rate but she grew out of it for the most part now she's a tall lil strng bean but she's my tall lil string bean :)
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