Anyone Who Is Having Baby Father Problems

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
OMG I'm so confused one min we're the love of each other life then we hate each with the strongest passion or maybe I just feel like that but I love so much and I know he love me and our baby girl but he just wont do Right if we're not together I know we're going to have to get alone for the baby but seeing him with someone else really gets to me and he don't want to see me with nobody we're just all over the place tell me what to do please I'm really n need of relationship advice! !!!!!!!


  • Just my experience from bad relationships...leave it alone! Be civil for the child, but find better for yourself. Love should be unconditional not sometimey.
  • Mine doesnt help me at home at all and his excuse is he is busy and he bought the house which is all he needs to do is pay the bill for the house and cut grass.. he wont even change the litter box or take out garbage...
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  • @NewMommy_NavyWife I Understand And Really Want To But Its So Hard & @Kritten_octberbby Thats Not Right Seems Really Controling Sumthin To Think About & @KerrideeRN Guess The Cons Win

    I Guess The Relationship Not Meant To Be But Its Only For The Best That I Let Go & Let God
  • I know its hard...but if you don't feel secure with him it'll be what's best. I'm sorry you even have to go through this...i wish you best of luck with whatever decision you make.
  • Im going through the same thing right now I wont to leave.. But I dont know of its the right thing to do. But I also dont want to waste anymore time on thinkin he will change when he has said it so many times before
  • @NewMommy_NavyWife thank u so much I'm gone let go and let God @MAmajolene I feel just like that I waste any time but I really dnt wanna let go I mean its hard but hey it will all work out
  • Omg I'm in the same situation girl..that love hate relationship but don't want them to be with anyone else!
  • I am in the same boat, but I had to listen to myself when I finally got tired of the lies and so on and so on...I realized it just wasn't worth it he will call and say he has changed but I don't believe it I just want him to have a good relationship with his child... take it from me you will know when you truly had enough you wont have to ask anyone or cry on anybodies shoulder... just take it one day at a time and you will get through it! !!
  • Im also going through the same thing. I put my bf out last week and I miss him terribly. Today we had Easter brunch with his family. It felt so good to feel like a couple/family. It wasnt a front because we do love each other. I honestly believe he wants to be a family but we just have a lot to iron out. Both of us ar "my or no way" type of people and very stubborn. Im willing to give for the sake of our relationship and family but hes not. I also feel he has some growing up to do. So, im sticking to my guns as far as not living together. Hopefully we can work something out before the baby gets here.

    I think its important to figure out how you feel and be firm about your decisions. Hopefully he'll come around. If nothing else he'll know to take you seriously.
  • @ForeverJasmine Right But He Can Do As He Please I Think NOT!!!! @Mybabe I Starting To Feel That Way Also Dnt Get Me Wrong Like Im Just Saying Im Over Him Because I Still Love Him But Im Ok I Just Gotta Be Strong Not For Me But For My Baby @mommys1stbundle Hope Everything ok I Know For A Fact Its Hard Cause Feeling Dnt Disappear And A Day But Everything Gone Be Ok I Got Faith And Both Of Us
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