help please ! sick 24/7

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
this is my 2nd pregnany [ mc'd the first on 08.15.10 ] i was actually getting sick until i quit smoking. now im constantly nausous - & ive been vomiting the past 3 days i cant keep ANYTHING down :( im 9 wks & have hardly ate anything. idk what to do. ive tried crackers - staying full all day - sleep & rest & idk what else to do?!? please help!!


  • You should call your Dr you might need some iv fluids and there are things the Dr can give you to help
  • ok thanks ill do that
  • I was like that with my first have u tried 2 eat or drink after u throw up. I know u may not feel like it after throwing up but try 2 it helped me.
  • i have & it does help but i realllllly have to force myself. & then as soon as im done eating im sick again =\
  • See if your dr can give you an rx for Zofran...its a miracle worker
  • @blessed its important u don't dehydrate. I got very sick a month ago n puked every 30min for 12hrs. Almost went to the er. Call ur ob n get the answering service see if they can page ur ob n ask for zofran. Its the best medication out there, n u will b able to get fluids in which is more important than food right now
  • i tlkd to my dr today & suggested seabands so im going to try those. i hope they help!! if not i see him the 10th & will be asking about zofran. thanks for alllllll your help !! :)
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