


  • Did it work yet?
  • No I took it 5 hours ago. My stomach is a little upset. I only took 2tbs
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  • @homebirthadvocate I'm tempted to do an enema. All the oil did was bloat me
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  • Okay are the glycerine called glycerine? I've never bought enemas lol. I need to clean me out tomorrow cause I'm getting induced Tuesday
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  • @Ashleyfew thank you so much. I'm so miserable and nothing works. Maybe my baby is cutting off my intestines
  • Another one to try is pedialax. Its a liquid glycerine suppository for children. I use them often due to constipation and they work really fast and w/no stomach discomfort. Plus they are safe to use during pregnancy. Im usually back in the bathroom in less than 5min. Good luck!
  • @mom2_4 will it work with my stubborn ibs?
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  • I got fleet liquid glycerin. It says it works with in an hour. So do u guys think its safe since I took the mineral oil yesterday? I don't want amirah to get stressed or have marconium
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  • If this doesn't work I don't know what to do. I have not been this constipated ever
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  • Well I am able to go a tiny bit now but still feel like there is more. Should I still take it? I heard being backed up can cause labor to slow. I want a smooth labor Tuesday
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  • Irritable bowl syndrome it sucks bad, causes a lot of pain while having bowel movement, each time, for me at leadt then again I am lactose intolerant too
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  • The nurse in lobor and delivery told us Senekot was ok to take. What is lobor??? I'm weetawdid. But yeah, you can take Senekot b/c I hear it's made from vegetables. I was so desperate I started drinking 90 oz of water a day and opted for an enema. Everything is peachy now! Just keep that water intake at a good level... monitor it.
  • My ibs causes me to be constipated for days and then get diarrhea. I hardly ever have a solid stool. Tmi.
  • @proudmomma -not sure how it would work w/ibs. I just know that I've always had prob w/constipation prego or not and its always worked for me. :-)
  • Lol well the way I'm starting to feel I think anything will work. Of course it happens when I have company over!
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  • Yea I don't have any Dr for it. I also have an over active bladder. I need help lmao. Well I didn't have to take the fleet
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