Anyone else having non-stress tests?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Starting this week, I will be having weekly non-stress tests. Just wondering if anyone else has had to go through this? Im 41 and high risk, so im being watched closely!


  • I dont with this pregnancy but I did was my last pregnancy. I had them twice a week with a weekly ultrasound. It was actually kind of nice bc we got to see our baby so often :)
  • @onemoreontheway How long did the process usually take? She did also say that I will be having weekly ultrasounds too..
  • They watch the lungs for a certain amount of time, can't remember exactly. But I think the ultrasound ones were about 20 minutes. The stress tests with the belly monitors were 30 minutes.
  • I've been having them twice a week for almost a month now. Hopefully just one more month to go. Although my midwife said 1 ultrasound counts for 2 nonstress tests. They plan on starting ultrasounds at 36 weeks (after next week!!!)
  • edited April 2011
    When I go to the doc I plan for 1.5-2 hrs instead of 1 hr. Im usually doing the NST for 20-40 min
  • I have been having NST's twice weekly since 24 weeks, and BPP's once a week.

    Total time in office is about ab hour. My NST's make me doze off lol.
  • I had them twice a week with my first pregnancy and weekly ultrasounds also!
  • Thank you so much ladies!!
  • I go twice weekly for nst and w/sono its 1 e/o week. For the nst they told me to plan on being there from 20min to an hour not including time it takes for sono if needed. So far I've gone twice, 1st time it took almost two hrs because they did a sono after. 2nd time it was about 45min w/no sono. Just make sure you eat before going or have some juice.
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