What are my chances going into labor at 34 weeks? I pee alot more I have pain n my tummy. I cant stand my back. I discharge alot wen I pee the water even looks musty... Wat are my chances? Any help or thougths?
Oh wait u had ur baby?! If so congratulations mommy! If not I agree and would get checked for infection which could be ur bladder or even kidneys. I had a raging kidney infection and a huge kidney stone and went to the ER on new yrs eve and they told me I was also preggers (i had no idea at that point) but there r plenty of antibiotics to use during all stages of pregnancy.
You want to try and get to 36 weeks. I went preterm with both of my boys pregnancies.....it was stopped and after that I was put on bed rest and pills every two hours around the clock to keep contractions away....I quit taking the pills after a few days due too the made me feel as my heart was making its way out of my chest....I had my water break with both kids all on its own....contractions never started on there own so I was put on the pit with both.......delivered both kids a month earlier then my due dates........both were healthy and left the hospital 2 days after being born. Possible that labor is starting early they need to stop it till at least 36 weeks......unless your water breaks