anyone no how much 3d scan's photo's are?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I didnt get a 3d scan with my first so wanted to get one with my second do you know how much they are? And do you get it done at hospital when you have yours scan done?

I would love to have a 3d scan of my second baby :-D

Thanks for reading and hope you can help me!!


  • I know 4d at my doctors office is 150
  • Okay thanks hun. . I'll try and look it up but I just aint sure how much 3d's scans are. Thanks anyway duck :-) . Did you get a 4d one done do they look good?
  • How far along should u b before u get one
  • My doc does 4d between 26 and 29 weeks and they are wonderful u can see in detail what the baby looks like
  • I think it all depends on where you are or who you go to. I've seen some people say anywhere from$ 80 to$ 160 but my dr charges$ 300!! Hopefully you find somewhere cheaper. I know I can't afford an extra 300. Really wish I could.
  • Aw bless yeah how far you got to be for a 3d scan? I'm unsure in getting a 3d one cause I didnt get one with my little girl ..
  • My doc does them for free and video is 15 if you want that
  • Whats the diff between 3d & 4d?
  • What doctors are you with and i've just been told there 50 quid :-)
  • $50 at
  • I had the 3d/4d scan and it was money well spent. Mine was completed at a ultrasound center that specialized in these specific was a bit pricey (185) but the quality of the scan/pics/video was worth it.
    @ betty I the difference in the 3d n 4d scan is the type of ultrasound machine they use.
    Hope u can have the scan..its the best seek peek at ur little one..good luck!
  • Thank you hun ..
  • $50 at
  • Mine was a 150 and they say the farther along you are the better because the baby will have more fat. I did mine at 29wks and 2days and they were amazing!
  • I have had two 3d/4d ultrasounds with my last two. They are well worth the money!!! Im pregnant again and once again ill br pregnant over my bday so that's what I ask for as my bday present. If you google doctors in your area that do 3d/4d you will find someone close. The one I went to the first tine was in Cleveland ohio and I got an hour two 8x10s of different pictures I got 5x7 pictures also a dvd with calming music as a back ground all for 250.00. My second one I got 2 hours bc it was the first time the tech. Got to do one. It was suppose to be an hour plus she took like 300 pictures. It was 160.00. It just all depends on where you go. There are different packages you can get im sure. But I will tell you it is the most awesome thing ever!!!! You can have them done as early as like 10 weeks but the best tine is between 27/32 weeks. My daughter was smiling waving looking like she was crying plugging her nose it was so cute. My son he was just a huge butt head and moving to much but we got some really good pictures. We got to see that he had daddys "butt chin" aka clef chin he calls it. The little indent in the chin. He smiled at us and waved at us. Again the vest amount of money you can spend!!!!! Good luck and if you have one hope you enjoy it! Best of luck!!!
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