did any of your significant others give up alcohol with u in support of pregnancy?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My hubby said he wld, but he reneged lol.


  • My husband did. He's only drank twice since I've gotten pregnant. He says its no fun without me.
  • My husband said he wldnt drink at all. But he's has a few beers. It doesn't bother me that he does, but I wld had rather him not say he'd do if if he didnt plan on keeping his word.
  • we both stopped drinking the day we found out I was pregnant. He's drank once since, but that was just some beer at Christmas dinner. Smoking was harder to quit-- it took me a week and a half to stop. He took longer, but cut waaaaay down and wouldn't do it near me. He hasn't smoked in a long time and if he's in a smoky environment he showers right when he gets home- he doesn't even bother to come near me til he's showered cuz I can't stand the smell of smoke since I quit.
  • Mine said he would i told him he didn't have to cuz if he drinks a beer i get to kiss him after and its the closest I'm going to get to tasting a real beer lol
  • I made mine drink for me on my 21st
  • We both quit smoking too, we were never big drinkers, but the smoking was hard since everyone we know smokes. But he said he would give up everything I did, & he's stuck by that. He even gave up dairy since I seem to be lactose-intolerant these days.
  • My hubby is having a hard time quitting smoking. He's even got patches :/
  • Awh. I figured if I had to be sober tjat was enough. I let my fiance still go out to bars and stuff. :). He chooses to stay with me most of the time though.
  • I wish mine would stop drinkn. He only has a drink when we go out to dinner..which is about 2 times a month. I'm still jelous. I miss a good bloody mary!
  • My hubby offered to, but he has Celiac disease & can't have any wheat, so I told him he already has to give up enough! He can't even have regular beer anymore anyway :( poor guy! I only have to quit for 9 monthes- he has to quit for life :-/
  • My man use to drink here at home with friends but now ..they drink next door at his buddys house and take my kids over to play with there kids..i dont mind.cuz i get alone time nice n quiet at home lol
  • My husband will have a few every now n then. I drink the virgin version's
  • I hide all the booze in the house with my first, but this time itdoesn't really bug me, probably since we basically stoped after the first was born lol
  • I figured one sober person was plenty..he cut back but he is a SAHD so he needs his sanity...plus I can sneak a sip every now and then
  • Mine rarely drinks but when we go down to his home town he will go out with the boys everyonce in a while. He did last night and omg I couldn't be near his mouth the smell of the alcohol was making me so nausious
  • My fiance said he would quit drinking for as long as I had to. He has had a couple beers and wine a few times but as long as he doesn't get drunk and annoying I don't mind it. The only thing is that he acts like he hasn't touched a drop of alcohol for the same amount of time as me. Which is not the case.
  • My fiance stopped drinking when we found out. But smoking on the other hand, he seems to be smoking more! At first he wouldn't smoke around me. But now he doesn't and the smoke is really starting to bother me. And he gets mad at me if I walk away or shoo the smoke away or cough. And like everyone in my family smokes but me && they all smoke around me. But my fiance said he'd quit when the baby comes, but I doubt it :(
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