The diaper candy bar game, who evers binkie melts the fastest out of the ice cube and one where you put 20 baby items in a basket and give them 20 seconds to look take it away and make them write what they remember
At my friends baby shower they had a bottle chugging contest, one where you cut a string guessing how round the mama's belly is, and the diaper one where you guess the chocolate candy bar inside by smell. That's all I know, all this baby stuff is new to me, haha.
Baby food tasting.. you get different kinds of baby food and you have everyone sniff it and they try to guess what flavor it is. People can taste if they like but most people don't like to. There's also the safety pins in the dried rice
@kaylin get like 12 different candy bars then melt them in diapers not to funny but to where its melted and not easy to decipher what bar it is. They can taste and smell but they write down what they think it is.
Don't say baby game... each person gentleman a pin or something small that they attach to themselves if u say baby and somebody catches u then they get ur pin u play there the whole baby shower
Just like pin the tail on the donkey, its pin the sperm on the egg or pin the baby on the mommy. Also fill in the blank baby rymes. Mary had a little ____________. U know. Guess how many in the jar usein baby things like diaper pins. Also, who knows there baby facts. Asking questions about babys on sheet of paper and giving multiple choice answers. Winners get prizes. U can always surch the net for more.
each person gentleman a pin or something small that they attach to themselves if u say baby and somebody catches u then they get ur pin u play there the whole baby shower