I have a 17 mth old and I am 7 weeks pregnant! who else is in my shoes?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I am very excited but scared because they will be so close together? Any advice?


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  • My son turns 2 tmrw and I am 34 weekd :)
  • I have a 16 month old and I'm 20 weeks yay lol it should be fun I have a 3 year old as well
  • I have a 1y.o an ill b 5mths on friday i am so nervous about havin 2kids under 2y.o idk how im gonna do it.Im xcited about havin anotha baby but im scared of how my daughter is gonna act wen tha baby is here an i dnt want her 2 feel lik she is bn replaced bkuz she has a sibling.She is my baby an i give her so much attention now idk how im gonna give her tha same attention an mak sure she feels as loved as she does now wen tha baby cums
  • i have a 12 month old and im 15 wks pregnant.. im scared after the babies born i will never get a min to shower lol.. im sad that my middle child will get less lap time.. i have a 9year old too.. just preying for guidence and strength to split myself in 3.. lol
  • I have a 17m old n I'm due next month... that's double diaper duty... I'm just gonna take it day by day no need to stress myself now
  • @tiff87124 we're in the same boat. my baby girl will be 8 months tomorrow and i'm 19 weeks prego with baby #2
  • @tiff87124 when are you due? my daughter was born aug 26 and i'm due sept 20
  • I sympathize my son is 21 months, my daughter is 4 months, and I am late so ... as crazy as it gets u figure it out:)
  • @tiff87124 wow! we do have a lot in common. I'm also being induced at 38 weeks with this baby because I had a c-section with my daughter and my doc said its too soon to try a vbac
  • I have a 15 month old and im 34 weeks pregnant today! :)
  • I have a 22 month old and am 35 wks pregnant.
  • I have a 20 month old and im 10 weeks along. Im also 18 years old and married.
  • I have a jus turned 3 year old a 10 month old an 13 wks along
  • I have a 15 month old and am 20 wks..everyone says I'm crazy..lol..but they also said that when I was pregnant with my now 15 month old bc my son is 9 yrs old..lol
  • I have an 8month old and im 14wks&5days
  • I have a 9 month old and I'm 5 months pregnant. Also have an almost 4 year old
  • edited April 2011
    Wow I did not know so many mommies are experiencing what I am experiencing I am just nervous because I don't know how my very opinionated 17 month old will react to a new face in the house! I am not stressed now thanks to all of you! I will take this as a blessing for me and my husband!!! Thanks to everyone! :)
  • I have a 20 month old son and im 11 weeks pregnant! Sooo worried how I am going to do this, how my son is going to cope. I love reading simlier storys and the positive exprences :D
  • I have a 20 month old son and im 11 weeks pregnant! Sooo worried how I am going to do this, how my son is going to cope. I love reading simlier storys and the positive exprences :D
  • I have a 16 month old and i'm 33 weeks preg. They'll be 18 months apart.
  • Theres 16 months between my 2 year old and 1 year old and theres going to be 17 months between my 1 year old and the little one due any day now! Its hard at times, but since I got them on the same schedule its been great! I just get to start over any day now!!
  • My girls r 14 months apart. I got preg with my 2nd child when my 1st was only 5months old & I wouldnt have it any other way. I love them being close in age!!! They r 5&4 yrs old now. I am now 16wks preg with my 3rd. Hoping its a boy!!! Crazy thing is I'm due in Oct so now their birthdays go Sept,Oct,Nov THEN Dec is Christmas, think I'm gonna be broke all winter lol
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