IBS & pregnancy

edited February 2011 in September 2011
6 wks 3 days preggo for the very first time. Had a bad case of cramping tonight exactly like I've had occasionally over the past several years. I know it was just a bad case of IBS but still scary, ya know?


  • I know exactly what you mean. I have IBS and I have horrible cramps like that too sometimes. It is scary, but it definitely isn't from the baby. My fear is that my IBS could cause trouble with my pregnancy. Ya know what I mean?
  • Yeah when you're in a lot of awful cramping pain, you can't help but wonder how much stress is being passed onto the baby. I guess everything is ok so far... no bleeding and no cramping after that IBS episode Saturday. I'll be 7 wks tomorrow. I had considered going to the ER, but I knew it was my IBS because it always starts and progresses the same way. The worst thing was that I couldn't take my Levsin because it's a class C drug.
  • I have acid reflex and ibs its hard to tell if stomach aches are baby related or just ibs .. I just hope the baby's OK down there w all that going on..
  • Take magnesium capsules it works wonders for me! I'm in the first trimester and before I started taking those I was in hell.
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