
edited April 2011 in First Trimester
I found out I was pregnant last Sunday. I am about 8 weeks along. I have been having cramping for the past week and a half, today I had a teeny tiny bit of pinkish spotting. Help! Is this normal?


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  • @lil_buggie_3. I did, they only told me that they can't help me if I am indeed having a miscarriage. Then said that they will see at my ultrasound on Thursday if I still have a viable pregnancy. The spotting was early this morning and haven't had any since.
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  • I think i have good news. It stopped today after getting all brownish on me.
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  • Call your doc if you're in any way anxious about it. But from 5-9 weeks I had dull period-like cramps and some spotting here and there. I'm now over 17 weeks. :) If it's turning brown that is a good sign.
  • Well, went in for an ultrasound, all the dr. could see was a little sac, so either i'm having a miscarriage or i'm not as far along as i thought. He had me take another blood test to see my HGC levels. If they are below 6000 then i'm only about 5 weeks and a couple days a long. Anything above that i'm having a mc. Find out the results tomorrow. :-(
  • I has the same ultrasound issues with this pregnancy, turned out I ovulated when I should have gotten a period so was almost 3 weeks less than I thought I should have been. I would suggest bed rest and drinking lots of water.
  • far along are you now?
  • 14weeks... I should have been 17.
    With my first pregnancy I had a bit of brown spotting at around 6 weeks and had the hgc tests done and all was fine, was just an implantation bleed.
    I'm not saying don't be worried at all because I'm obviously not a doctor, but these things happen and our bodies sometimes do strange things. Because you are so early if your body had decided that the baby isn't viable there isn't much that can be done. I also had a mc between pregnancies and have always told myself it happened because the baby was unhealthy and my body knew that.
    I'm always here if you need to chat. Please let me know how you go when you get results
  • Well my HGC levels were in the 5-6 week range, which means either, i am not as far along as i thought or that they are not going up fast enough. Going for another blood test on monday to see if they have doubled.
  • I have my fingers crossed for you... much love xox
  • Hope thingss get better hun
  • They were at 14000+!
  • Yay! Good news hun! :)
  • Saw my little blob today and the flutter of its little heart! Even better was my 4 year anniversary! Great anniversary present! Too bad my husband couldn't see the flutter, but he saw the blob.
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