
edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 17 weeks pregnant and have a 2 year old which we planned this pregnancy because knew I could handle having another one and I wanted my kids close in age but about a month ago my husbands ex called and said she can't handle their 4 year old and needs her to move with us. I have been with my husband since his daughter was 3 months old so I've seen her grow but now she is living with us I'm ready to pull my hair out she fights with the 2 year old every chance she gets., she doesn't listen to a thing I tell her to do because and she says because I'm not her mom. I am about to go crazy I can't talk to my husband about it because I dont want him to think shes driving me nuts just because shes not my child. Just needed to vent


  • He needs to tell her your an authority figure and you should enforce the time out.. you have a right to correct her since its your husbands child and he has custody of her..
  • He does but I have a way different way of discipline then her mother and its a fight everyday with breakfast lunch and dinner to get her to eat and I swear as soon as I'm not looking the two year old gets hurt and she had no idea how it happens
  • Well if you don't whoop her than I would advise putting her in a corner for awhile...
  • make her mind.. explain your step mommy and since mommy is in the title and she is living in your house she will mnd you..
    easier said than done I'm sure. good luck hun
  • See if she was my child I would spank her but I dont need her calling her mom and telling her I just battle with her all day and I think its harder to deal with it because shes not mine I want to pull my hair out my husband is in the military so he works alot and I'm home all day
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