
edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
So what month do prego women normally get their pics done?


  • Oh good question! I need to listen in and plan on calendar :) you women are so smart, lol, I just keep tuned in and snatch up good ideas lol :)
  • Was just thinking about this lol I was thinking maybe by wks between 28-36 but great question
  • @pinkybaby5842 ive asked that same question too.. I c alot of pergos takin pic bt they b hug.. im 30wks now im thinkin bout takin them mayb afta mi shower I wnt pic to put up n mi house
  • month 8. that way you still have a nice round belly, but are before the haggard "just get this thing out of me" stage. if you were in AZ, i'd say hire me! I am a photographer and do maternity photos.
  • My photographer does them all the time with people willing to pay. I modeled a lot before getting pregnant so mine will be free thank goodness. I have enough to worry about.
  • Lol glad to know this was on more womens minds than just mine :)

    @black_butterfly sounds like a great window of time! Thank you :)

    @jellybelly1015 thats usually all I do unless no one else has asked it that ive seen lol
  • @lhanafi I am in az! Do u have a website with prices and packages and stuff?
  • Where in AZ? Just look at my flickr, it shows my most recent. it's

    and pricing goes by what you want, etc.
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