question to moms of more than 1

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm pregnant wit my 1st child n I'm sooo excited, I do plan on having just 1 more, not cuz pregnancy is great but cuz my hubby wants atleast 2, which is cool cuz I'm 1 of 4 so I appreciate siblings, my question it hard to be a parent of more than 1 and are u as excited about the following pregnancies as u were the first??? Idk if I wud share the same enthusiasm for following pregnancy as I have now??? :(


  • its not that hard im 23 n expecting my 3rd its proba0ly not as exciting but u dont love them any less
  • i felt the same way with my first baby, i thought for sure i could never ever love anthr child as much as i loved him. but i got pregnant again an i was just as excited an just as happy with my 2nd now im pregnant with my 3rd baby an the excitement is stil jus like my 1st pregnancy.
  • I was wondering the same thing @gibbs_wife ! Hubby and I are talking about trying again directly after this one is born...We want our kids to be close together so they will have more in common...I am the oldest (27) of 7 kids...the youngest being 8yrs old..and me and Daisy just dont have anything in common...and actually I am only really close to my brother who is closest to my age (he is 25). Can anyone offer any insight on having kids back to back?
  • @ashley_smashley my son was literally 6weeks old when i got pregnant with my daughter. he was 10 months old whn i had her. they are now soon to b 2 and 3 an they are the bestest of friends. i didnt have any complications with them bein so close. an i even got to vbac (vaginal birth after ceserean) with my 2nd baby :)
  • @breewashington08 thanks for the input! How about the stress of having 2 it bad?
  • @ashley_smashley ur welcome. im always happy to brag lol. i cant speak for all toddlers but its actually always been pretty easy. my daughter was mayb a week old an i had them both on a good nap an sleep schedule. now that theyr older an more independent its alot easier. it alot like having twins
  • @ashley_smashley...I'm 26 n while I don't want them back to back I do get wat ur sayin, I'm da second born n my lil SIS is 7yrs younger..I hate that she sees me as anotha motha lol, can't tell her least not the way sisters probably try again when this 1 is outta diapers...
  • @breewashington08 Ugh thats good to know! I love kids and will be a stay at home mom, so I think I will be able to handle my husband is pretty hands on, so that should help with any stress! People just look us real weird when we tell them that we want to have them back to back. Thanks again!! ;-)
  • i'm pregnant with my third child and i'm just as exited as my first two. I don't think having two toddlers is any harder but at times it can be fraustrating :)
  • @bummy87...that wud be too much for me..bein that young wit 3, so more power to u..
  • This is my 3rd and I'm just as excited as I was with my first2 maybe a little more because its been almost 10 yrs since my last and I really wanted more and I didn't think id ever get to have another one
  • @ashley_smashley mine will be a little less than 15 mo apart. I got pregnant when my 1st was 6mo. I am realizing now we should have waited a little longer bc my body is telling me now it was too soon. Preterm labor is more likely if u have kids less than 18 mo apart. I have been having regular contractions every other day since 33 wks. I will be 36 wks in 2 days and an exhausted from having contractions for hours at a time. They aren't really painful but they aren't comfortable either. I just want to make it to 37 wks bc I don't want her to be too early. The risk of preterm labor is the only thing that I don't like about having them so close. We wanted them close for the same reason u do but I would def consider waiting a few months just bc of the preterm labor aspect. When I started contracting at the 33 wks I couldn't stop thinking about leaving a preemie at the hospital after I was sent home. That would be really hard
  • @lilliebug thanks for the heads up! I am going to talk to my doc about that! That sounds really scary! I will keep my fingers crossed that your little bun stays in the oven a little longer!
  • im 23 expecting my 3rd... i wouldnt have it any other way..
  • @breewashington08 Congrats! are you thinking of having more? My mom says the more the merrier! lol I think for me that 4 would be to
  • I'm 23 with 2 girls and a boy on the way. Each kid has something special about them, and you love them the same amount, but for different reasons.
  • This is my 4 th. I love being pregnant. So every pregnancy I had was great to me. My kids are all 2-3 years apart. Currently ages 7, 5, 2, n baby on way. I will say this in my opinion going from No children to 1 is a lot harder then having ur 2nd or 3rd. It's a big transitions going from a couple to having ur 1st. But to me after ur first everything and one falls into place n u got the hang of it and know how to deal. With ur first ur worried about everything by ur 2nd u know u got it under control by ur 3rd I think ur just on auto pilot. Best wishes to all 1st timers!! Everything will be fine n u will do great!!!
  • I am pregnant with my fourth I have been equally excited about each one. You still get excited about the ultrasounds and all the other things. I wouldn't have it any other way
  • I am pregnant with baby #6. I am just as excited as the first. I am actually kinda depressed cause this is going to be our last. I have really hard pregnancies, but am going to miss being pregnant so much! I love feeling baby move inside my belly! I have 5 great kids though ages 17,14,11,2,1, and one due anyday now!
  • This is my oldest turned 2 in march. They are buddies...although my 2 yr old doesn't always get that hr can't rough house w his lil brother like he can w daddy! My 2nd is growing up to b quite the toughy tho...what doesn't kill u makes u stronger. I wouldn't say its easy but I do love their closeness
  • I loved my first pregnancy!!! But unfortunately my other pregnancies have been more stressful for some reason. However my first 2 children never came home with me so I'm sure that has alot to do with not being as excited as my first pregnancy. I love each of my children though and none could replace the other. They are each unique and I'm really looking forward to having Sebastian who's #4. He will be my second to come home. My daughter Sophia #3 is almost 2 and she is excited to meet the baby. She has been pretty excited about this pregnancy and keeps loving on "her baby" I'm excited to have the two of them together and get to love on them both!!
  • Im 28 and going to have my third. I have never had a bad pregnancy. I mean the worst thing I had happen was with my second he was 10 days late and I had to have a c section. Even then it wasnt to bad. I had side effects but they are quickly forgotten. Being a parent to more then one is not that bad. I mean you have your moments but that is with every child. Even as a prarent of one I had my moments. Thoes ceom from stress not usually the child itself. So I would say it is wonderful. I come from a family of 5 brothers and sisters. I make the 6th. I have two and I have one on the way. I would like a family of 4 but who knows.
  • I have a 4 year old, 2 year old and one on the way! I am more excited this time because the 4 year old makes it a whole different experience with her questions and ideas about the baby. My first two are 6 days shy of two years apart and i couldn't imagine having had them any closer - and they are the best of friends :-) I think you'll be blessed with another bug when the time is just right!
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  • @ashley_smashley yea we defntly want more but it wil b a while b4 we hav anthr. We want 1 more aftr this.. :)
  • My brother and I are 10 months apart and from what my mom and dad said it was like having twins. They said it was easy because I wanted to follow my brother around everywhere, so i started walking at 10 months and potty training was a breeze for me. We fought like sibilings always do and in high school everyone thought we were twins because we were in the same grade. Now that we are older, we have a close relationship. Every year, we are both the same age for 2 months... its pretty cool, i think.
  • Thank u ladies for u responses, great insight.
  • I'm 25 and this baby is my kids are spread out by 4-5 years so it seems like the 1st time for me everytime. I've been equally excited for all 3, but this one, I guess I'm stoked because it's my 1st boy and probably my last child :-D
  • Im 24, 4th pregnancy and all of them have been exciting no period, amazing sex, awesome boobs, lots of attention, all of the firsts with the new pregnancy, baby kicks, u/s, shopping, etc. LOVE IT!
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