18 wks today!

edited April 2011 in September 2011
Still been getting sick but cant wait to find out what im having in 2 wks!


  • Im 18 weeks today too (:
  • 20 week scan will be soooo exciting! I am having my 1st scan this week, i wil be 12 wks 5 days, so 20 week one wont be til june!!! Good luck, hope baby is happy, healthy and a bouncing baby..........whichever you are hoping for!!!!!
  • Thanks! Hoping.for all lol
  • I had mine yesterday. Hes still a boy (: measuring 8.5 Inches 9 ounces in the 41 percentile not to big not to small just right! Heart rate of 139. Strong (: measuring 18 weeks & 5 days as of yesterdays ultrasound. I was 18 weeks yesterday! Due date sept 26th but by the ultrasound its september 21st (: so everything was great!
  • I am 18 weeks also. I still get sick too but not nearly as bad as my 1st trimester. I have two boys and will find out what I'm having May 5. I can't wait!!!!!
  • Aww great news @mama2be congrats!
    @cornbreadKim tell me about it! Im so anxious Im having all these baby gender dreams!
  • I'm 18 weeks today too :) find out the sex in 2 weeks and can't wait!
  • I'm 18w1d with a girl. I'm going the fifth so hopefully she's still a she. At first I was hoping for a boy. But now that I've shopped for a girl and picked a name I'm even more excited she's a girl lol. Good luck and congrats to all of you.
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