If they strip your membranes... its uncomfortable. It's like having super deep penetrating sex that hurts (not the good kind and with out the great sensation too)
The doctor is trying to separate the membrains from the cervix to start the dilate'n process. You bleed a little after and it doesn't always work.
I was induced with my 2nd and it hurt after like 2 or 3 hours cuz they had it up to high. Lol. But they turned it down a little and was better. That labor lasted 7 hours. Good luck.
I was induced with my last pregnancy and will be with this one too at 29 weeks if he doesn't come sooner. I am only asking for pain meds through the iv. No epidural this time around since i have scoleosis. With my last i didn't have the epidural til they broke my water. I was already 6cm.
The doctor is trying to separate the membrains from the cervix to start the dilate'n process. You bleed a little after and it doesn't always work.