how many people are you inviting to you baby shower or have invited?

edited April 2011 in Baby showers
Ok so I have a HUGE family and am starting to work on the invitations and am inviting over 100 people to my babyshower its probably close to 150 . I have my moms side my dads side and my husbands side and also my friends and a few people from my dads girlfriend side. I feel like am inviting to many but this is only the family and friends am close to. I just want to know how many people have u invited to ur babyshower?


  • I am inviting about the same as you about 150 its pretty crazy I have a huge family and so does hubby so I was wondering is that too big?
  • Im only inviting about 20 people this time around because im on bedrest and don't want all those people in my house. When I had a shower for my son 2yrs ago I had about 100 people.
  • edited April 2011
    I plan inviting alot!! W/my son had just my family on my moms side and grandma frm my dads..and that was alot and I only invited 2 friends.
    This time..same peps frm the first and some more frm my dads side..some of my hunnys friends and and way more of my friends!! I don't have anything for this baby. My son and her will b 4yrs apart..the only thing I saved were bby boy clothes. Idk how many will come because its going to be super hot when then the bby shower comes!
  • Maybe you could have more than one shower???
  • @kandc1015 at least am not the only one. I was thinking it was a lot but I guess not cuz we have huge family's so am used to all the people

    @babykixalot I was thinking of the but its during the summer and starting now true like October every weekend is taken cuz I have a huge family . I had to tell everyone is February that my baby shower is going to be July so no one takes my day lol.

    Thanx ladies now I dont feel like am inviting to many people
  • Wow...I thought I had a lot..My guest list is at 75 but I projecting aboout 30 people to show up..Which is about how many I want there anyways.
  • Omg im inviting a bunch too. Probably about 65ish. Cause my
    boyfriends family is so huge! Almost everyone on my list, is his family. Haha
    Im looking forward to my baby shower, buuuuttt.. its on june 4th and im due june 27th. People saying im gonna be so uncomfortable.. ha ugh :(
  • 150!! wow.... i invited about 40.. lol and i thought i had a big family! that will be fun though!
  • Wow! I only invited 40 and had about 12 show up! :S
  • I'm inviting bout 32 ladies. If I do men too it'll be like 45. Hopefully most show. I think so though. Most didn't know bout my first sucked, or didn't know me yet. So I think they'll come. I'm also not relying on others to throw me one. Ima do most the work & planning. I want it my way & others can help if they wish but its my way cuz I want it done right!!
  • edited April 2011
    Sorry, phone posted twice!
  • My coworkers are doing one for me, about 40 ppl and doing one for family and friends, probably about 20- 30 ppl. Glad they are going to be separate, it'd be too much of a nut house for me lol, I'm easily distracted!
  • We are inviting 30 - 40 but some are family that wot come, but we want to send them an invite...
  • They say as a general rule that only 50-60% of people show up to invites. So expect half at least. But be really diligent about getting RSVPs.
  • Oh and I knew a lady that had sixty people and it took her like 3 hours to open all her gifts, plus the games and food. Needless to say she was exhausted and some people were annoyed that it took so long. Most people don't want more than a couple hours. So maybe have more than one shower to break it up.
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