sleepless nights and belly aches??

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so, I don't know if I'm pregnant or not yet. It's fingers crossed right now. I'm just wondering if sleep apnea and tummy trouble happens this early on or if I'm going crazy... my partner and I have been trying for one cycle and we're both youngish so we don't expect to try for long. Basically I want to know how early in symptoms start or if something else might be wrong.


  • It took my Guy and myself two cycles to get pregnant. We are both in our early twenties. Sometimes it takes People months and years but I hope this is your lucky month! My First symptoms were definitely sleeplessness and almost like a slight cramping as If my period would be soon. It never came. I'm now five weeks and five days along.
  • Grats! I feel that.. not to mention the bowel trouble. /:-) and being tired all the time. Though that could be because of the heat (Aussie girl here). The weather here is so awful. Makes me want beer but I can't drink it!!
  • We got pregnant after a month and a half of trying. Probably started at the end of a cycle. I knew I was pregnant ny the second week, but he didn't believe me.

    I was nauseous, but only a little bit. Nothing like I am now at 9 weeks. I had a slight increase in appetite, which may have actually been in my head. I was so thirsty I drank twice the water I usually did. And I had a 64 oz bottle I drank everyday religiously, so twice that is crazy. I also had mild cramps, so I thought I was going to start my period. But they started earlier than normal. And I just... felt... different.
  • @celestee I'm an Aussie girl too!!! And have the same trouble. I feel like crap and am tired but can't sleep lol. Gassy a lot!! Not hungry, having stomach cramps on and off, nipples are bigger. Fingers crossed!!
  • Same here. I'm waiting to test & lately just been feeling a little crampy, forever sleepy, hungry for everything & my period is not due till Saturday! I never get cramps days or even weeks before. I feel like I did the first time I was pregnant so this is a good sign. Good luck to you :)
  • @hopefulmommytobe. I'm in the same boat except my period is due Tuesday
  • Hi, I am almost a week late. So I took a clear blue test n it said that I am pregnate. I have a doc appot. Tomorrow so I am happy if I am.
  • @redchrisco good luck! I hope we get our bfp. I'm nervous & excited. Trying not to get my hopes up! I feel like this is it this time.
  • @hopefulmommytobe. Good luck to you also. I'm worriecrushed not getting a positive and getting my hopes up about thinking im pregnant and then being crushed if I'm not. But I'm really praying for a BFP. ill keep you in my prayers and good luck hun
  • Good luck to everyone testing this week! My period was due yesterday and hasn't come yet! Still too scared to get my hopes up, but getting a little excited! Where in aus are you @mummy_to_be?
  • Im 13 days late ; my last period was on dic 28 . Ihvnt tested yet cud i have done like 4 tests months ago cuz i got late always negative & then my period come -___- so i dnt want to get tested yet cuz i dnt want make my hopes up but i never get this long without my period . If i were pregnant im supposted to be 5 weeks & 6 days counting from last period on dic28. I have those same symptoms tho I CANT SLEEP AT NIGHT agh but get tired all day & have so many gases at night , i hv been moody with my hubby for no reason lol idntk what to thinl :/ should i make a test? ?
  • Maybe get a blood test to check if you are? I keep testing negative and I'm pretty late. I'm giving it another week till I test again. Pregnancy tests cost like $10 each here so I can't keep buying them all the time! So yeah, blood test and good luck!
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