question to moms of more than 1



  • This is my fourthchild love being prego, everytime is just as exciting! Its a little more busy with each one ..... However im one of those mothers that have the children in alot of things. My friends think im nuts. Example right now I have an 11 year old 6 and 17 month old im eight months pregnant. Two oldest r in soccer, swim lessons and the 11yr old is in guitar lessons n the 6 year old is in viola lessons. Needless to say im extreaml y busy. But I love 2 b :)
  • I noticed most of u moms started having babies earlier than I did, that's probably gonna limit the number of kids I have...I'm thinkin only 1 more, two is enough for me seeing as I'm starting at 26 I wanna be done by 30, don't wanna be raising kids for the rest of my life lol I kno it sounds selfish but we're lookin forward to traveling a lot in our 40s & 50s, shoot we already got funds set aside. ;)
  • I wondered the same thing with my first. But I'm on 3 now. And we are just as happy excited as we were with number 1. And love them more everyday.
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