
edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So for the past week I've been having Braxton hicks contractions well at least I feel like that's what it is and it goes away after like 5-7 seconds but I get them like once every 4-5 hours I'm only 19 weeks is this normal?


  • Most likely it's normal. I'm 37 weeks along and have been contracting approximately 5-15 times an hour since I was about 18 weeks. My first pregnancy my midwife checked routinely to make sure I wasn't dialating with them, now we know that's just me. It's not always fun : )
  • Thanks so much I was hoping to get an answer by the time I went to bed i was surly scared
  • edited April 2011
    Anyone else?? :-?
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  • Thanks girl I'm super glad i'm not the only one
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  • I didn't get any with my first until I was 38 weeks .
  • I actually went in to the doctors today for other reasons & they ended up doing a non stress test, & found out I was contracting a LOT, she said my uterus was 'aggitated'... I couldn't really feel the contractions but she told me what im feeling for, the tightening of my stomach ... and that happens ALL the time. She finally released me but said if I have more then 6 in an hour to come back in. But I feel like if I did that id always be back in! She checked my cervix & it wasn't shortened ... so now they are going to do an ultrasound to measure my cervix. I really don't know what's normal & what's not:-/
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