not telling anyone

edited April 2011 in Trying to conceive
So March 14, 2011 I found out I was pregnant. I was so excited that I told all of my family and friends. So exactly one week from than on March 21 I had a m/c. It was so heartbreaking to have to tell everybody I lost my baby. So now I'm ttc and if I get pregnant this time I am not going to tell anyone but my Hubby, will I be wrong for that?


  • Just until I get about 5 months.
  • 1st of all sorry for ur loss momma! And no it wouldn't be u woulld want to have to god forbid go through that again! I know it is real devestating to do that I misscaried at 28 weeks. And it was hard to tell evryone
  • Not at all my friend went threw the exact same thang now she's pregnant an not telln no one for awhile.
  • especially at the walmart and restaurants near by I was a regular at
  • yeah my sister isnt telling either shes 9@ks only immediate family know
  • I'd wait about 3 months. Miscarriages past the first tri are pretty rare. I only waited a week lol!
  • Well i was pregnant and didnt tell everyone but some family ..but when i got pregnant this time waited to tell even the people i told before till i was 3 months.
  • 3 months sounds good. Hopefully this month will be my month.
  • Nope! Not wring at all, that's how we'll be too! We didn't tell everyone but all my friends out here knew & my hubby's Fam... it sucked! Good luck lady! We're ttc too!
  • Except for our parents, we didn't tell anyone until we were into the 2nd trimester...I've had 2 (on my 3rd) healthy pregnancies, but I figured better safe than sry.
    Sorry to hear bout ur loss-sending lots of baby dust ur way...I have plenty to spare-hubs sneezes too close to me and POW I'm pregnant lol
  • @prayin4agurl ur mc happen the same day mines did nd I wish it didn't for both of us. I truly understand we told everyone to found our we lost the baby. I'm not telling nobody either until its definite
  • I'm sorry for your loss, it is such a heartbreak. :( nothing wrong with waiting. I told family and a few friends last time and after having to tell them all of the mc, I said the same thing. Not sure when to expect ov, but hope it's this month and if I get another BFP, it'll be our secret for a while! Good luck, hope this is our month!
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  • I had a mc last june with my first pregnancy. We told everyone as soon as we found out we were pregnant. Got pregnant again a couple of months later and didn't tell a soul until I was 11 wks and we had an ultrasound
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