I'm weird I wanna keep my baby in lol I'm due may 11 but if I have her before then I wont get as many days off and I know going back to work is going to be the worst thing ever!
Its that everyone handle it different, I just want it out, cant sleep at night, I have to go on maternity from my job this week cause to much back pain, so im done, I really want him out
I'm due may18 and I want him out he is too big for me and been contracting since march doctor told me to wait up.till 37weeks well ive reached it hope its good news thursday when I go to my appt
I'm due May15th, but they said they would induce at 39 weeks, which falls on mothers day the 8th. I am having a big baby due to g/d she weighed 8 lbs 2 weeks ago. I get another u/s tomorrow and will know the weight, they said they will probably strip my membranes tomorrow also!!! I cant wait, this is baby #6 and I'm done!!!