Bloody show...

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Does anyone know how soon after u go into labor after bloody show? I had bloody show this morning


  • When are you due
  • I was due yesterday the 5th of feb. Actually. So im overdue
  • Mine was a wk b4 but ive heard sum people say they had a show 3,wks b4 they went in2 labor sister had hers n went into labor that nite so it just depends on u....also was it a huge amount of.some?
  • I would call your doctor now and let her know what's going on and she will tell you the best thing to do.
  • Yea kinda it wasnt like a period or anything
  • I saw her today bc I didnt know what it was. She told me im still 1 cm dilated but I forgot to ask her if labor was comin soon. I read online 1-2 days and wanted to see if its true
  • It mainly depends on your body and baby. If you want to speed the process up I would walk around the house and keep track of your contractions when they start.
  • I dont think he's ready. Im not really ready myself im so scared he wont be ready by the 15. Where they force him to come out by csection
  • Wow most doctors induce you before they have to do a c section
  • Well I have an appt tue for a ultra sound so if it turns out normal I can wait up til the 15th. Im just saying I hope he will be ready by then. I want him to come naturally im sure theyll let me induce him but I want to wait and see
  • Lol on knocked up he said it comes right before the baby o_O
    Sorry it just reminded me of that movie....I love that movie...
  • with my second baby i 2 that day at2:30 my doc was like we will induce monday so i was like ok ..i went home at mid nite i was in labor..i barely made it to.the hospital cuz i leave in the country...i was.scared.cuz my nabior is a animal deliver so my.friend use to tease me an say if u get stuck out there n cant make it call ur nabior lol..
  • Lol. So after u were induced u had the baby that same day?
  • I never had bloody show with three pregnancies, and was induced with 2 bby was here within 8 hrs with both, with my son believe it or not 1 was dialayed to 1 and an hour later was pushing ...almost couldnt get an epidural bcause it went do fast, with my first I wasnt induced she was 3weeks early and I had her within 7 hrs of being at the hospital..i hope this one is quick, my fam says my moms sister labors really quick to, as she had 1 while home preparing for an appt. I pray this one is quick as well, only after I make it to the hospital..
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