am i obsessed ?? help please!!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
- idnk but since i want a baaby so bad im allways looking online of EVERYTHiNG you can never imagine about babies & i dnk even knoe if im alredy pregnant :$ its that normal ; is there someone going through this ?? , or should i stop getting all this information untill i get pregnant? "/


  • You just want to be a mommy and there's nothing wrong with that.
  • Yeah u just want it so bad...being a mother is something I dreamed about for years..and now I'm 23wks and so excited.
  • You're fine, hun. Lol. But I will say that everything happens when you least expect it, so if you relax and stop thinking,"I hope I am! I hope I am!" Then it'll turn up sooner. ;)
  • Ufffff lol i tought of myself i was a pshyco lmao .. & i allways try NOT to think about it but let me tell u it isnt easy at all -___-
  • Lol! I know exactly what you mean. =) its difficult, but you can do it. ^_^ every woman has that strength she just didn't know she had til she got through it. ;)
  • I was that way after my miscarriage and some how I just talked myself down to if its meant to happen it'll happen. So I finally let it go. That's the best thing to do because you don't want to stress yourself on the subject or worry to much. Its harder to conceive that way. Be calm mama & have fun ttc and sooner than you know it you'll be preggers :)(:
    Good luck! Baby dust sent your way.. xo
  • Youree right . Im gonna start trying ;) thaaanks <33 ((:
  • .
    Thank u hopefulmommytobe . Same to you ((:
  • Your welcome babes :)
    & thank you as well.
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