Does anyone else have an unruly baby-daddy???
Hey ladies.
this is my first pregnancy, and lo-and-behold, I'm not with the father. -_- we broke up about two weeks before I found out I was pregnant. Now he has a new girlfriend (oh, excuse me, "fiance") and he's acting like he has total control of everything (when really, I'm in control.) He has no financial stability, an apartment his new girlfriend is paying for (that I put all my savings into about 3 months ago), fines to take care of, felonies on his record, and he still acts as though he can control what I do! He is stressing me out to the max, and I'm only 9 weeks and 4 days. I'm worried he may stress me out too much... my parents keep telling me to just tell him to ****-off, but I can't allow myself to do it (moral conflicts). He has been with this new girl for about a month, and he keeps trying to throw her in my face like, "ha! What are YOU gonna do about it?!" And I'm just sick of dealing with him. -_-
Any suggestions on handling him?

Any suggestions on handling him?
He also keeps telling me that he wishes I wasn't the mother of his first child. He even said (several weeks ago) that he hopes I miscarry. >_<
Honey, you have the right to be treated with respect & he has NO right to say such horrible things - no matter how bruised his ego is right now. It may not be the way you hoped or dreamed, & it may not be the ideal situation, but this baby is happening & he/she will have a GREAT mom, even if the dad is being a total waste. You can do this! With or without him being a part. Good luck & stay strong!