Why'd she have to say that?

edited April 2011 in Trying to conceive
I was at work today telling a coworker about yet another pregnancy announcement in my family. She got pregnant the first month and I've been trying for like 6m. My coworker said "well maybe there is a reason your not getting pregnant" ugh just NOT what I want to hear. Me and my husband both agreed that we could have tried harder for the first months. We tried the hardest march & got preg but miscarried/chem preg on 4/8. So knowing that we tried harder last month makes me think it'll be ok but it's frustrating!


  • What a witch!!! :( people are so dumb sometimes... If they just pause, think, and Then speak... This world would be so much better.
  • She probably meant nothing by it but didn't say it well BC I'm a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, gods plan isn't always our plan..... she may have meant the same thing. Its really hard when you are experiencing setbacks and a loss to hear things like that without being really hurt.

    I would say give her the benefit of the doubt of bad wording and keep positive on ttc. No ill will toward her for that may block your blessings. GOOD LUCK SWEETY
  • Wow how rude. Take it easy n baby dust good luck
  • Good comes for those who wait
  • Don't feel bad. When i had my miscarriage instead of my family being supportive of me they told me that maybe god was punishing me by taking my child.
  • You do know that there is such a thing as trying to hard. You want it so bad you put major stress on your body which isn't healthy for conceiving. Relax more and think about also consulting a fertility doc. They can help in many ways. Remember too your coworkers are only human and nine times out of ten don't exactly think before they speak. And if you stay truly bothered... communicate to them what they said and how it made you feel. If anything it will help them to think before they speak on the subject next time.

    I don't mean to sound bossy, I'm use to instructing others and tend to generally speak that way. Anywho hope my comments can help you.

  • She probably didn't mean it the way it sounded, but it was definately worded wrong. Gods timing is perfect, even though sometimes its hard to remember that. Good luck!
  • Well I know she didn't mean anything bad by it! But it's still the fact of saying it. I normally wouldn't get bothered and I too believe it'll happen when it's supposed to but it still put a downer on my day!
    @meghan6800 by trying harder I just meant we had sex more then what we had been doing. I had been following the apps I had for ovulation days after having 3 that said 3 different weeks I deleted them and didn't follow them. Then got pregnant. As for fertility specialists. They say when you've been trying for a year then consult them.
  • That was definitely not the right thing to say. :/ Sorry she bummed your day! I've recently had many people say completely wrong things to me after mc and while I know they're just trying to help, it wasn't any consolation. I'm sure you'll be blessed with a baby soon, hang in there! Sorry also about your mc. :( I hope to see good news from you soon - sticky baby dust to you!
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