ppl lying TICKS me right off
I absolutly hate liars and I havnt noticed any on here yet except that cruel person the other day that had us all on about her triplets but I just noticed another one and now that I'm hormonal, I want to reach through the phone and slap them!!! Sorry to vent lol
I know exactly what your talking about & I couldn't agree more. That mess is ridiculous. People really are sick, and so obvious about it like do they think pregnant woman are dumb ? Smh.
What an idiot. It p***** me off for a minute too especially when I saw the evidence.
@hopefulmommytobe Haha did you read all the comments I was talking about? Oh and I read you were testing, how did you go?? @Cheryl74 I couldn't imagine anything worse than pretending to be pregnant!!! I hate the fact that I have every symptom of pregnancy but don't know if I am or not yet. I feel like a liar or a faker lol. I don't know how ppl can pretend to be pregnant, I would much rather be pregnant lol
Hahaaa yes I did.
& you thought I was calling you confusing. Ohmgee, it was just the discussion that had me lost a little lol Yeah I tested the this morning. Its monday where I am now but January 6th I tested & it came out negative. & yet I still have no bleeding but mild cramps along with other symptoms that seem to become more noticeable everyday. I basically slept my day away today too. I'm testing again in 3days, but I'm most likely just going to make a doctors visit sooner.
& same here ; I've had too many symptoms, & just today I had that feeling of af & her arrival but it was the milky thick white discharge you mentioned. My friend I live with has a one year old & I'm constantly asking her about symptoms that I'm not sure about & she thinks I'm flat out preggo again:) - which I can't agree more but like me and my fiance say I'll believe it when I see it. I just want to believe it already lol I hope my body isn't either. Its cruel & I'll be quite confused for a while because I feel too much as if I am.
Yeah that'd be great.
I'd give her up for all the pregnancy symptoms and discomfort.
Hahaaa that's exactly what I did except I was standing in the kitchen laughing at something & then found myself excusing my presence as I ran to the bathroom to see discharge, which made me feel at ease actually, because that's not what I planned on seeing.
- so you could be pregnant and not even know it, but most likely because you just came off of implanon your chance of pregnancy this month is higher .. will that have an affect on your blood results though?
Hahaaa, "Goo" you couldn't have said it better. That's cute lol & yes I am as well.
I hope the best comes for us. I've caught myself doing that a few times when noones around. But still no af. And this makes me so happy! You should wait until your blood test results come back to test on a hpt ; well that's if you want because I'd probably test anyway lol I'm impatient a little when it comes to this subject.
Thank you!