Weird pains???

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 19 weeks and getting sharp stabbing pains 'down there' and having braxton hicks either before or after. I've had 3 kids and never gotten them this early or ever had this sharp pain down there. I asked my Dr about it and he checked me and said everythings fine and said its probably just round ligament pains. Anyone else get pains there?


  • Guess not
  • I got pains like this but i think they were a bit later on! About 24 weeks! This is my first baby tho so i have nothin to compare it to
  • Well thank you at least I know that I'm not the only one
  • I've been getting them for a couple weeks and im 19 weeks. My doctor also said ligament pains
  • I've gotten something similar. I don't think I've ever had a contraction, but then again idk what those are like. I'm 20 weeks and I've gotten little twinges of pain, but only one or two at a time and not often. I can tell my hips are already widening. I waddle now >_>
  • @VictoriaB good I.was worried maybe my doctor was over looking something but I guess he knows better than me.:) Awwe waddling already how cute are you showing a lot?
  • Yup! I've got a baby bump but my upper tummy like under my boobs got bigger and hard too so I look kinda weird lol.

    Waddling sucks tho. I just told my hubby, "Ugh, I feel like a penguin!" While I was trying to catch up with him.
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