I am truly a bad mom, dont judge me plz

I see ladies post on here "negative" things they are doing or craving during their pregnancy and I feel bad because I wanna laugh. Minus drinking alcohol I am the epitamy of a bad first time preggo and I cannot seem to stop, even at 26 weeks... I feel like my life is so bad I stopped caring, yet this little angel continues to kick away....and in the end, she is all I got.


  • Why are you a bad first time preggo?
  • Well if it makes you feel any better i was in denial until about 16 weeks. Refused to believe it and ignored it. Deep down i knew though because i didn't drink at all and started taking vitamins before i even tested. It was obvious though.
  • Wait...you are drinking alcohol or you're not? I'm confused.
  • I dont think she is.. She said minus the alcohol shes the epitamy of a bad preggo..
  • What are u possibly doing so bad? Don't stop caring..depression is a biotch to overcome. Pregnancy has it's challenges, but the end result is such a reward.
  • No, I do not drink alcohol. I just do not care like most ladies... I still smoke cigs, use weed to calm my self down, and still drink Pepsi like I have for years... My baby is healthy but I obviously am doing her wrong and cannot seem to be unselfish. My life is at the worst point ever and I want to change but 14 weeks left is not long at all and I am not seeing anything looking up before then....
  • The cigs are bad but it really sounds like otherwise, you're being hard on yourself. Pregnancy is a challenge for everyone and nobody's perfect. Good luck to you and baby!
  • Pepsi is ok in moderation. 14 weeks is a long time that your daughter can thrive without the smoke in her environment. Try talking with your ob about medication to calm your cravings, and nerves. It can get better if you decide you want it bad enuff to change. Good luck.
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  • @Almost4 Thank you for that but I feel so bad that I cannot be "normal"

    @jaime77 I do want to change but it is much easier said than done
  • I agree! We all have our personal things we need or want to change about ourselves.. Baby steps girl.. Make a small list, journal your thoughts, it helped me.
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  • @ta2edblondie Thank you for that, made me feel a little better.
  • @Almost4 I know that weed leads to that... I am NOT losing my baby!! Lol. Just need to get back to how I was in my first trimester and cut it out.
  • Dnt worry i stare my prenatals down an debate if i wanna take em or not... an usually its a no... i smoked a lil bud not long ago to calm down.. i have a blood test coming up & I'm freaking out.. I'm not tht far along & ill prolly test positive for thc.. also read tht thy drug test the bby by its 1st poop... (there's another forum i found bout ths today! ) but no bodies perfect
  • My best friend had child protective services at the hospital after she had her baby because there was weed sign is the baby first poop below her and the dad gotta go to parenting classes for two months and do random drug screening she stopped smoking a month before she had the baby so it was only showing up in the baby and not in her so I'd be careful if I were u u r not a bad Mom but trust me its not worth all the hasstle they'll put u through if u or baby test positive
  • If it makes you feel any better I smoked cigarettes thru my whole pregnancy with my son. And I can't survive without soda and drank it all thru my pregnancy too. My son came out 100% healthy! My mom and Grandma smoked thru their pregnancies too and we all turned out 100% healthy! How long does it take to smoke a cigarette? No more than 15 mins so the oxygen to the blood stream are slightly cut off for less than 15 mins.. don't worry it can just cause a slight low birth weight. My son came out at 7 lbs and personally I'm glad he wasn't any bigger because he tore me enough... and go a head and judge me for saying that ladies but idgaf what y'all have to say about that! As for the weed there are no actual studies done on what the effects of marijuana do to the fetus because the government wont give them funding for the study.. but there has been no reported brain damage or defects to a fetus born where the mother smoked pot. The reason they test is because its illegal and well they think they have the right! But I think that you are bring really hard on yourself! Are you single? Because I know that can be really hard when you're pregnant. And not to sound rude but maybe you should consider seeing a specialist about depression especially post partum. Because they will help you cope with your feelings and point out all the good that makes you a great mom! You will do great just stop the weed so your baby doesn't get taken away and get yourself together for your child you won't regret it! Its a blessing!
  • "Don't worry it can just cause a slight birth weight"?! What?? And asthma, allergies, poor immune system.. just cause you and your mom and your son are "100%" healthy does not mean it doesn't affect other ppl. I have seen it first hand in a 31 year old who has never smoked and works out regularly, takes a million vitamins daily but gets sick regularly and has asthma and is allergic to everything..and the mom smoked during her pregnancy and hasn't forgiven herself to this day. Back then they didn't know the affects of smoking but it is way more than just a lower birth weight. Think about that, your child wont be growing at the rate it should be, that doesn't sound fair.. @baby2dec14yayy
  • Any baby born can have asthma, allergies etc. I was born with it all Nd NOBODY in my immediate family smokes or smoked then. She's entitled to her own choices and how she copes is up to her. When you don't agree you don't badger someone for their choices, you just pray for the best for her and the baby.

    As for the weed. I smoked with my first until I was about 7 months (I was single, homeless and stressed to the max) and my baby boy was 8lbs 7oz and even gained 2 lbs before he was a whole month. Although I don't agree with the cigarette smoke, I have a few cousins my age that smoked throughout their pregnancies and their babies were fine. Just try as much as you can to get help for YOU and your baby will be fine.

    Good luck and God bless.
  • As you can see, @Septembermommy3 I was talking to the chick that responded above me for her ignorant response of smoking only causing a low birth weight. I neverv even addressed the original post. Yes, asthma can be caused by other things but to say that smoking during pregnancy "Only causes low birth weight" is ridiculous. I didn't badger anyone.
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  • Well my son is now 8 months and never gottensick! I smoked thru out and never really took a prenatal and never got to breast feed. And I also had him at 35 weeks! He was 100 % healthy never gotten sick whatsoever! So I think all the scientist are fucking liars! I know people who are allergic to everything have asthma and other issues and their mothers did everything by the book when they were pregnant with that person. So I think it is a bunch of BS! Idk its just personal opinion I guess. But I say you should do whtlat you want just no more weed!
  • I want to thank all the ladies with "positive " feedback!!!! THANK YOU!
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  • I am exactly the same way as you, thanks you everyone who had supportive and positive posts, I feel better. :)
  • Way to go pregly ladies I like how no one ripped her a new one! Its nice to see other ladies struggling with the same vices I have/had. I don't feel so alone. I have a coke (at least) and always feel like I don't eat enough and know I could do better. the whole weed topic gets pretty sticky. Not that I am not saying you shouldn't try to quit but its not true they drug test every baby. I have heard of people losing their kids over weed alone though. Anyway I guess what I am saying is do the best you can don't get to down on yourself for trying. Thanks for sharing
  • no drama i just have sumthing that i have been dying to vent about this topic.
    everyone is so "oh no your baby is ganna come out like this, or its ganna have this, or this can happend" nobody know what is ganna happend with any of their children.
    it just depends. shit honestly happends. LO QUE PASO, PASO. whatever happends happends, you can not change it & you can not prevent it. all you can do it help a situation. i wish the best for you ladies trying to quit. its hard! ive beeen struggling with smoking too. i smoked maybe one cigg a week, no lie. i actually just got sick AGAIN so i havent smoked in weeks. & i dont plan on it either till after i stop breastfeeding.
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