Need to vent...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Real men DO NOT EXIST. A real man does the right thing everytime. No matter what it is. A real man stands by his family. If you have break the law, don't run turn yourself in. If you have a problem you get the help that you need. If you USE a girl for sex to get off and she ends up pregnant, do the right thing and be there for her whether you want to or not. Cause its the right thing to do. Its doesn't matter if you want to or not. Because if you dont now it will only be worse for you later. You will pay for your crime.

Sorry if I offend any dads on here. You are indeed the rare breed. And please no negative comments.


  • You are sooo right mama. I know how simple that sounds but its rare to find a real man. Mine is running too. He lied his ass off then gets mad bc he has to be responsible. Five months in no support no care. Even told me he didn't have to concerned about me....but would bond with OUR baby. You are not alone. We have to depend on each other and know it will be alright. Even in the hard times...
  • @paganmom he told me he doesn't even want to know the sex. What pisses me off is that he doesn't even like me totally, he just wanted to get off and then when something came of it he wanted me to get an abortion, when i said no he said he wanted nothing to do with it. And his mom tell me that he will be there for his kid when the time is right but what about now when i need the most support. I have no family of friends that i can lean on. I know i am strong but it would be really nice to have someone be there and look out for me.
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  • @tiff87124 I agree!

    No one is perfect...but real men who do the right thing are there..they are just rare..My husband is a great great man! I dont expect him to be perfect, because I am not perfect, but we compliment each other perfectly! Keep looking , he is out there!
  • edited April 2011
    It sounds like you've been hurt...don't let that mentality set in bc its not true. I know exactly how you feel. Ive been molested as a child, been in abusive relationship as a young teen and thought the same.

    I now have an amazing husband. He isnt perfect by any means but neither am I. But he provides, adore, and do all the things a man should do.
  • I am living with my aunt but that doesnt mean that i get a lot of support from her, due to be moving in with her to take care of her and so she isn't so lonely. So she can't really be there to support me. And the dad to my first isn't the same guy he is liek my berst friend and we are great parents but we never really had that chemistry connection. Well this baby's dad I thought everything was great, He was the typical, said all the right things and we were in love and then this happened and oh no your on your own,
  • I hope u find someone who is worth it to u and your baby if it's him great if not oh well he seems scared but u should definitely have a long talk with him and see what really going on in his head
  • @tiff87124, @ashley_smashley, @NewMommy_NavyWife i'm not looking for prefect but if you make a mistake do the right thing and step up, So yuo dont care about me well at least care about your child that i'm carrying.

    Men have it so easy when we are pregnant, they can go get a drink or even run away when things get stressful and dont want to deal.
  • Real men exist but are definitely NOT perfect!
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  • U can't post sumthin so negative then not expect negative posts..real men do exist!! Nobody is perfect but to say sumthin like that isn't right..u just happened to run into the wrong man, plain n simple. It's unfortunate but now u gotta do what u gotta do regardless of how u feel. Just try to move on n the rite one will appear when the time is rite in the meantime learn to judge these men better. I'm not tryin to offend u I'm just bein honest
  • @momof22be I have toalk to him till i'm blue in the face, All i get is he never liked me and he didn't want the baby at all. I am so done talking but i can't help but be hurt and lonely.
  • My husband asked if our first was his I was like wtf we were just married for like a month and I was 17 I couldn't believe it and then the cheating on both sides I did once idk how many times he did but I have molded him and myself and we r so good now I feel that it will last forever well that's what I hope for but in any case relationships take a whole lot of work
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  • I jsut wanna cry bc i go to the doctors and i see the couples all happy and the man is there for his family. I read on here about the happy couple and the nice things men do
  • edited April 2011
    @nov_baby I see what you are saying.....and I deff agree that if they help make this child they need to help with providing.

    But I guess I disagree with they have it easy just bc my situation is different and I never experienced that side. I've had a pretty easy pregnancy so far(no sickness, or bad symptoms etc) and my husband told me to stop working so I can pretty much loaf and focus on this. He works 12 hr swing shifts, driven crazy daily by the task of his career, then comes home and does his role as a husband and expecting father(feeding cravings etc) so I would say he has it harder.

    But I honestly hate that you have this additional stress added to your pregnancy. I hope it gets better.
  • I agree that you wont find someone one is...

    Some men dont have the capacity to care about anyone but themselves..some are not even able to care about their children. I say move on, get some child support and stop worrying..if he cant step up to be a man then you dont need him
  • Its totally understandable my sis had her ex like that she didn't end up preggers thank God but if she was I think she wouldn't have gotten support either so just focus on you and that angel inside of u and know u will always have support here I know its not the same but its something. And keep ur eye out your prince will come around good luck girl
  • @almost4 I knew from the first day I came on this site me and u had allot in common aren't u due in Sep too? Its crazy what we go through in our relationships isn't it?
  • @Tiff7124 I hear u there my dad is an ass but so is my Sep dad unfortunately but my dad turned out really good when he met my step mom she whipped him into shape
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  • @almost4 and @tiff7124 Cute! Made me giggle :3

    I kinda know how you feel. I was used by my ex and later on when he did start caring about me, we were talking and I said, "I think its sweet that you told me you loved me first." He replied, "I didn't mean it." WTF?!?!? I don't know what the hell he was thinking when he said that to me!
    I used to think men were incapable of feeling love. I've been hurt by so many men including my narcissistic father who has luckily gotten a teeny bit better now that he's older. When I met my husband, I knew that wasn't true.
    He walked me to my home a mile away and then turned back when I said that some m&ms sounded good. He bought me a huge bag and I met him halfway. We kissed on the sidewalk and when we hugged, he put his hand on my belly and said, "Weird. I imagined you being pregnant just then." We fell in love with each other that night.
    My point is that there are great men out there and you'll meet your perfect match. He'll love you and your babies. :)
  • I'm just so scared to open my heart again, I want to be happy and in love and for someone to truly love me no matter what, I want that forever love instead of being with someone and never being sure if there is a future.
  • You will get it dear. But you have to make sure you love yourself and that you are ready to love another.

    I'm rooting for you.
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