what is the worse thing that happend to you during birth??

edited April 2011 in Giving birth
Im really nervous n im due in june....i just want to know whats the worst thing that could happen....n how long was everyones labor??


  • edited April 2011
    My brain started sinking when I delivered my son in 2007. ..No seriously, it did...lol. After 8 attempts my body was rejecting the epidurals. Spinal fluid began to leak from the 8 holes in my spinal column causing my "brain to sink". Massive headaches were immediate and they had to put me completely asleep for a c-section. They felt so bad for me they called in the attending plastic surgeon to stitch up my incision. It's invisible now. Still sucked though.
  • Omg i couldnt imagine going through that....how long into labor were u before they decided enough was enough
  • Feeling ur v-jayjay rip and tear up... not a very nice feeling. Relax tho and dont focus on what bad thing can happen.
  • 16 hours. It all happened rather quickly from what I remember. My daughter in 2005 was 37 hours total. No epidural...went all natural. Was much easier!
  • edited April 2011
    @saysay that is insane
  • I am SO SO SO scared of my vajayjay ripping! I can't imagine the pain! Is it seriously as bad as it sounds?
  • Thats really crazyyy....i wanna try a natrual birth tho ....n jus the thougjt of my va j j spliting scares the hell outta me...its so tiny lol
  • Mine did with my first one and I didn't even know it. I went natural too...I think the thought of it is the worst part.

    @mscheyla the funny thing about it...I had no idea what was going on. Since I was in so much pain from the headaches they had given me narcotics which apparently made me the funniest person delivering a baby ever. My husband said I was making fun of all the dr's and nurses and immitating them. It was nice to know I was taking the situation so lightly. Afterwards I found out that it's extremely rare for that to happen to anyone. The surgeon said my body will probably always reject epidurals. Sooo...I'm either going completely asleep again or goin natural this time. We'll see when the time comes.
  • @saysay omg I have had a spinal and an epidural with no problems but now you are freaking me out haha!
  • edited April 2011
    I went overdue with my first, and now 15 months old. I was induced at a week late, I liked my induction. I had her after being hooked up for almost 21 hours but in labor for about 17 of them but its really not as bad as it sounds. The only thing that I hated was I had back labor which is a painful experience. Other than that everything went really great! And I had an epidural. Not one problem!! :) oh and I had a small tear and didn't even feel it nor did it ever bother me afterwards.
  • @onemoreontheway it's very rare I promise. I'm one of the random one in a million people that stuff always happens too. (that's what my dad always said)... I'd love to get me some heavy narcotics again though. From what I do remember...they were fun! lol
  • So I ended up with a c sec and he was stuck they told me to relax but I couldn't stop shaking then he came out after they all were pushing on my stomach they took my baby and husband out of the room and I felt my doc moving stuff around and I asked her what she was doing she said she was putting me back together I passed out and didn't see my son til he was 3 hours old it was insane
  • Mine wasn't that bad four hours with my second but I had diarrhea the entire time gross I know. My first was easy everything text book style
  • i threw up like a million times lol
  • Don't worry and don't focus on the bad! The best advice my mom gave m,e was NOT to listen to the horror stories of birthing because all it does it get you worked up and stressed and when you go into labor you need to be as relaxed and stress free as possible! when you are calm and your muscles are not tense it makes for an easier delivery!
  • @Mommy_OF_2 I would have loved to throw up vs. diarrhea when pushing her out
  • My daughter had a prolapsed cord, which resulted in a emergency c-section. I was in labor for 8 hrs.
  • @saysay thanks that is reassuring :) and yeah the drugs definitely make labor more enjoyable
  • my bp and bs bottomed out and i passed out after flipping on some nursing student :/ i felt nauseated and asked them to help me up so i could get sick, bc i had the epi (that was not working) in my back. i could not get anyone to help me and i started to get my own damn self up, i looked up at the nurse and was like, WTH WONT YOU HELP ME UP! and she left and never came back in... bc right as i said it i passed out :/ and then continued passing out every few minutes for a while. my bp was like stroking low.
  • Pre eclampsia. My babys heart stopping. My heart almost stopping. Blood pressure 200/100 dropping to 60/30. Passing out and not knowing what was going on. Being the sickest patient in the hospital. Emergency c sec. Feeling like I wasn't breathing. Passing out in the o.r. and puking all over my mother and a nurse. My experience was horrible but I was very sick. We almost died but we were strong and survived. Now im high risk with this one from the start but im ok with it and don't let my experience scare you.
  • My husband and l&d nurse kept running to look out the window at the woman getting life flighted out. They kept missing contractions. I was so pissed off I almost burst into tears. I really wanted my mom but they were to busy rubber necking to listen to me.
    My epi had also worn off and I felt the doc sew up my epesiautimy *sorry bout spelling* It sucked hard
  • I had a uterine inversion when I gave birth to my son my uterus came right out after the placenta. It was the worse pain ever and I had to have a 2 hour surgery to put back in. I hope everything works out this time
  • @mommy2chris that happened to my aunt with her 9 pregnancy. They just took it out completely. 9 pregnancies 10 babies. She was done. Medically she was told not to have anymore after her firstborn.
  • @steph_due_101611 I'm glad she's ok. I'm glad they were able to save mine I was 19 at the time. I couldn't imagine never being able to have children after my son
  • This is the type of stuff I do not like to read. Lol. It may be just me but I like going in not knowing what's the worst that could happen cause ill worry my self to death.. lol the worse that happened to me with my daughter wasn't about me... it was about her... she was non responsive. I had her at 4:16pm they wouldn't let me see her till 11:00pm. I only got to see a picture of her. I finally get to see her and when I see her she was hooked on all kinds of cords ivs and oxygen, I couldn't walk because of the epidurral but after seeing my baby like that and no nurse around in the nicu I walked... looked like a zombie walking but I had to know what was wrong. No one told me :( it was horrible. Good luck with everyone's pregnancy hope no one has to go through anything serious
  • @mommy2chris I had a horrible l&d too but I couldn't even begin to imagine that happening to me.
  • My uterus ruptured where I had my previous c-section. This didn't happen to me but my cousin ripped so far down her daughter pretty much came out her bottom. Got used to the word bottom don't want my son saying butt lol.
  • I went into labor with my boys @ 25 wks they stopped it I lost one of my sons 3 days after that & their water broke @ 10:30pm when I was 26 & 2/6 wks I had a c-section @ 2:19 am @ 26 & 2/7 wks my son was 1lb 12.9 oz he was on the hospital for 2 mo he was 4 lb when he came home. He has no problems so far & he's 2. I had am infection in my section about a wk after I had it. They said o should have already had the staples out by then.
  • @theswift4 how painful is uterine rupture? I wanna have a vbac and I know there's like a %1 chance that could happen.
  • @Steph_Due_101611 I thought I was having a horrible contraction when it happened but it didn't really hurt after that it just felt like contractions they didn't know I ruptured till they opened me up. I had the classical incision not the bikini. My daughter was 1/2 in my abdomen when they opened me up. They said if her water would have broke we would not be here. I have to have a c-section with this baby @ 36 or 37 wk cuz they r pretty sure I will rupture again. I have to stop after this baby.
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