no sickness means...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Hey ladies so I haven't had any morning sickness at all. I heard that people who don't are at a higher risk of losing the baby, anyone have any input? My last doc appointment I heard the heart but that was 3 weeks ago I'm now 14 weeks still get nervous my little one isn't 100% ok


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  • Don't stress, I never heard that I had no morning sickness either n my doc said that's normal n even his wife wasn't sick with their two girls
  • I never had morning sickness with my boys never even nauseous and had absolutely no complications they are both perfectly healthy. Just be happy that youre one of the lucky ones cause i always feel sick with this one
  • It just depends on the person really. Some don't, a lot do. I myself had s miscarriage in 09 and I was never sick. But I also lost it when I was suppose to be 10 weeks and found out I had an blighted ovum. This pregnancy I have been very sick. But seeing as you are already 14 weeks I wouldnt worry much.
  • Yea some time I smell things and I get a little queasy but no full blown morning sickness.... and thanks a lot I just heard some where that women who have morning sickness means the placenta is forming right. And if it doesn't women misscarry
  • Never had morning sickness and my little boy looks perfectly healthy. I'm sure your bean is fine.
  • Never had morning sickness.. Didn't even know i was pregnant until I was already 16 weeks and I'm almost 25 weeks.. Just starting to get heartburn now... But baby is healthy.. This is my 4th baby

  • IV heard that morning sickness can mean you're having a girl and no morning sicknness means you'll have a girl! If that's true I'm happy cuz I had no morning sickness with my son but this pregnancy is kicking my ass with morning(all day) sickness! So maybe I will get my little girl!
  • I meant no sickness you're having a boy.. LOL but I'm sure its just an old wives tail!
  • I am 20w3d and had no morning sickness. No sensitivity to smells and baby looks great! Don't stress!
  • Just feel lucky like the other ladies said! Im sure everything is just fine. Congrats on you lil one! And @baby2dec14yayy don't believe that tale lol I've been sick my whole pregnancy Pam im having a boy lol my friend barely got sick and had a girl. But hope you get girl.
  • I always heard no morning sickness means its typically a boy
  • I have had no morning sickness at all. The trick is lots of waterrr yummy. Im having a girl.
  • Thank you ladies. I'm very thankful to feel as well as I do but love hearing its normal and others felt the same a had a healthy preg helps me feel better I appreciate all of your feed back and Congrats to you all xo
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