Well if I wait to get the pics at the right time they will look OK.... well I hope so LOL... I know some of theses pics I see looking crazy! @lil_buggie_3
That wantet me to wait till I was 23 weeks. I did the same thing and found out at 16 and a half weeks. I'm having a little hot. He didn't look scary at all. Let us know how it goes!
I got my 3D/4D ultrasound today and it was such an amazing experience for both of us! I am 17weeks and 6 days. We are having a girl! It was so cool, we go to see her move around, kick her legs, grab the umbilical cord! Her face was beautiful and didnt look alienlike at all. I am so happy we did it, sooooo worth it. Now I have amazing pictures of her with a photo CD and DVD. I will treasure it forever!
@excitedforoctober I personally don't think its to early.. I got my 3d ultrasound at 17w3d for gender. My picture is of her at the time. She looks human to me. I got to see her frown, smile, play with her feet, and suck her hand. We have a 20 minute dvd recording of the ultrasound. A cd with 20 pictures and two photos. It was well worth it. I just couldn't wait I'm going back in July to have another I should be over 28w then. Just to have a better ultrasound view of her. It's up to you though. I was dying to know girl or boy.
My Profile pic is 3d at 16w.....just to give you an idea! But it was no mistaking he is all boy. The experience was awesome I'm haveing another at 30w. Good luck!!
@preggointx Lol everybody keeps telling me that same thing BUT I'm not doing it for entertainment purposes or to get pictures, I'm doing it 100% just to find out gender. I'm only paying $39, I dont mind paying it again later on down the road when the baby looks more cuter.
I dont think alot of people on here are understanding my purpose to get this ultrasound *rolls eyes* I am not doing it for giggles and to get to see my baby, I get an ultrasound with pictures every month by my doctors orders BUT she wont tell me gender till 20 weeks. I JUST want to know gender people! Geez!
Only speaking from experience I would wait till your atleast 20wks along because we were told we were having a girl at our 21wk ultrasound...when we went to our 30wk 3d ultrasound we found out it wasn't a girl its a boy...and now I have a handsome 10day old boy! But if you do go for it I definitely wouldn't go buying things like crazy ifyou do stick with neutral cuz we hadto take all the pink stuff back!
@SuperMommy89 Aww thats a cute pic, and YES she looks very human!